A short but intriguing trailer came recently from the long-awaited new Batman movie, in which we will watch Robeert Pattinson in the role of Batman. The Batman, which has been referred to as the movie in which Batman was rewritten until now, will meet with the audience on March 4, but of course, there are members of the press and critics who have the chance to watch the movie in advance with previews.
These critics and members of the press, who had the chance to preview the movie, took their breath away on Rotten Tomatoes as soon as they watched the movie and shared their first opinions about the movie. In addition, the review scores for the movie have also been announced. The average score of the movie in the light of the first criticisms is currently 90.
The first reactions from the critics to The Batman movie
We can say that the general line of the first criticisms is ‘average’. So much so that, as in many movies, ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ seem to be divided into two. Let’s take a look at the first criticisms of The Batman without further ado.
”Performances are as complex as the color palette (ie not so much).”
”The Batman A very good Batman movie. Thinking of it as more than that only leads to delusion and disappointment.”
“From beginning to end, The Batman is kind of like a collection of bad ideas”
“While (The Batman) isn’t a completely radical remake of the Nolan/Snyder era, it does establish a Gotham City we’d strongly like to revisit.”
“Reeves loves these dead-end apocalyptic settings and enjoys stories that play with the moral calculations of typical hero narratives. He gave us a Batman he could believe in, not a Batman that feels right for our time.”
“It’s a repetition of Reeves’ cunning storytelling instincts and the usual filmmaking imperatives. ”
“Combining Pattinson’s impeccable performance with Reeves and Craig’s compelling storyline. gives this new interpretation an edge over the overly stylized Zack Snyders representation of the DC hero. I wish it was a little shorter.”
“An ingenious and harsh introspection on vigilance, told with a hunch and intensity that is not typical of the genre.”
”Matt Reeves knows he can’t rewrite the status quo of the world’s most trusted hero, but he can try to change the formula and the audience’s expectations. For better or worse, this is something The Batman has done pretty well.”