First 9 Articles of Social Media Law Adopted in Parliament

There is a new development about the social media law, which includes various regulations on social media and the internet environment. The first 9 of the 40 articles of the regulation, which were discussed in the Parliamentary Justice Committee, were accepted.
 First 9 Articles of Social Media Law Adopted in Parliament
READING NOW First 9 Articles of Social Media Law Adopted in Parliament

The deliberations of the 40-item “press and social media”-focused draft law, which was submitted to the Grand National Assembly by the AKP and MHP on May 26, at the Parliamentary Justice Commission, started. According to the draft, which the first 9 articles were accepted, it includes some sanctions against the press and social media.

Together with the arrangements for issuing or canceling the press card, the act of “publicly spreading misleading information” in the press will be considered a crime with this bill.

What will change with the proposals named “Draft Law on the Amendment of the Press Law and Certain Issues”?

  • Internet news sites will be included in the scope of the Press Law.
  • Again, internet news sites will be included in the definition of “periodical broadcasting”.
  • Press Advertisement Agency will be able to request the suspension of publication.
  • As a result of false news, the period of keeping the disclaimers published by websites on their home pages will be reduced from 7 days to 1 day.
  • New issues and conditions regarding the issuance and cancellation of the press card will be determined (These details have not been shared with the public yet).
  • Istanbul criminal courts of first instance will be assigned to submit a statement to the Press Advertisement Agency and to stop the publication of the statement.
  • Those who go out of the news area, that is, those who abuse and misuse their journalistic duties will be punished.
  • It will be considered a crime to spread misleading information on the internet.
  • The legal definition of the concepts of “Internet news site, Head of Communications, Directorate of Communications, Press Card Commission, member of the media, information officer” will be made.

Let’s point out that there were also discussions between the parties representing the parties during the negotiations of the regulation at the Parliamentary Justice Commission. The proposal is expected to be enacted as a result of the discussions in the commission. We will continue to share the developments with you.

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