Fifth Season of Gibi Officially Announced

The fifth season of the popular comedy series Gibi has been announced. Details such as when the series will be broadcast and its subject remain a mystery for now.
 Fifth Season of Gibi Officially Announced
READING NOW Fifth Season of Gibi Officially Announced

Acun Ilıcalı’s online series and movie platform Exxen announced that the new season of the comedy series “Like”, which was broadcast for the first time in 2021, is on the way. Shares with the beloved lead actor of the series, Feyyaz Yiğit, from the official Instagram account of the series, reveal that the 5th season of Gibi is on the way.

Although the posts made today are an announcement for the new season of the series, we do not have any information about what awaits us in the new season. In the post made on Gibi’s Instagram page, no details are given other than the information that the series will be broadcast soon.

Subject like:

*Sharing from Instagram page such as.

In the first four seasons of Gibi, we witnessed the funny events that happened to three friends named Yılmaz, İlkkan and Ersoy. It is obvious that this will continue in the fifth season. However, it is not yet clear how the issues will be handled in the new season.

Cast members like:

Feyyaz Yiğit, Kıvanç Kılınç and Ahmet Kürşat Öçalan, who are in the bone cast that makes the like, will also be in the fifth season of the series. We will see over time who will be included in this core squad.

Release date like:

*Feyyaz Yiğit’s post.

There is no release date for the new season of Gibi. The team used the phrase “soon” instead of a date statement.

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