Fetus Word Removed from Wordle Game

The Wordle game, which has reached a large number of users worldwide, has received a reaction by the users with the removal of the word 'fetus'. The New York Times, which bought the application in the past months, made a statement on the subject.
 Fetus Word Removed from Wordle Game
READING NOW Fetus Word Removed from Wordle Game

Mobile games have become quite popular nowadays. In particular, word games do a very successful job in this regard. We do not get stressed while playing and we can learn new words.

Wordle, developed by Josh Wardle, has been popular for a long time. However, an answer removed from the game, which was bought by The New York Times in the past months, brought discussions with it.

Removed the word fetus from Wordle

The New York Times began receiving criticism that some answers were changed after purchasing the game. It was the removal of the word Fetus from the answers that made the Times the target of criticism. A large number of users noticed that the word was removed after the update to the game. However, the word ‘fetus’ was still present in the unupdated games.

Times said in a statement on the subject that this is not possible and that the answers were programmed into the system months ago. However, it was stated that the original reply was uploaded to the system last year and old replies related to the breaking news can still be seen. Stating that they are working on a new update regarding the word or words that have been removed from some users, the Times reported that soon all users will have the same words in access.

A large number of users attributed the removal of the word ‘fetus’ to some events

Legalization of abortion in the US has been a controversial topic for some time. While some people argue that this is a right, others argue that abortion cannot be a right and that it is ‘murder’. It has been suggested that these discussions may be the reason for the removal of the word ‘fetus’ from the Wordle game.

The Times removed a few swear words and slang earlier this year from the game. However, considering the confusion and debate on the agenda, the removal of the word ‘fetus’ caused the debate to flare up even more. The statements made by the Times on the subject without using the word fetus also left question marks in mind.

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