Features We Wish Instagram Would Come

By the power of social media! We live in such a time that Instagram has become one of our lifelines. Although it has many features, it is still lacking in many aspects. At this point, we said that we should not have some suggestions, and we listed a few of them in this content.
 Features We Wish Instagram Would Come
READING NOW Features We Wish Instagram Would Come

Although Instagram, which fails in privacy, practicality and customizability, constantly updates itself with the feedback it receives, let’s admit that we find ourselves saying “I wish Instagram had this feature”. We sometimes say, “We also have the right to use some functions more efficiently”, or we do not want to be exposed to everything we follow so that it is not shameful…

At this point, we have no choice but to wish many features to come to Instagram as soon as possible. . Let’s see if we can see the features we demand on Instagram one day.

Wouldn’t it be nice to see those who unfollow us?

Follow-up! On Instagram, some of us have more than 100 followers and some of us have more than 1000 followers. Therefore, we all wonder who are those who first followed us and then unfollowed us. Although there are some applications that do this, it would be very practical to do this on Instagram because we are not sure about the security of these applications and we do not want to deal with it that much.

There are quite a few people who also want to be able to see who blocked us. However, since this situation will disrupt the privacy desired to be created, not knowing who blocked us will be much better for the safety of our relations…

It is our right to enlarge the Instagram profile photo!

Hey stalker, this feature is for you! Sometimes there are accounts that send a follow request, but we can’t tell exactly who they are from their thumbnail. Here, we have a great idea to prevent this: Enlarging the profile photo.

“Eureka!” We hear you say. Isn’t it old-fashioned to have information about people from tiny profile photos on Instagram, which has been in our lives for years, to take screenshots and try to understand something from the pixel-by-pixel image?

We want to know how our posts are performing!

Those who are active on Instagram know that it is very, very important to know how many reactions, likes and comments each post gets. At this point, wouldn’t it be great if Instagram provided a performance chart for every post we made and we could access them?

We think it is possible that this feature, which is available in business accounts, is also valid for individual uses. We are sure that the Instagram algorithm has an infrastructure to provide this, it should definitely be evaluated.

It’s time to be able to name search in Story.

You post a story, hundreds of people watch. But you just wonder if “he” looked. Good luck, but it’s not easy to find among dozens of people. Then it’s time to add the ability to search for names in the story on Instagram. That’s why we believe that Instagram will overcome this problem with a small search bar, and we look forward to the days when we will find the people watching our stories without wasting time.

Podcast feature must come urgently!

The podcast, which has taken the whole world by storm and reached millions of streams, is one of the features we say must have on Instagram as well. We think that it can be effective to establish closer relations.

What if we arranged our profile stream according to our pleasure, not date?

We think it would be great. We should be able to personalize our profile and change our photos to match the look we want, not date. Most user profiles can turn into works of art, especially if this feature, which will be liked by those who set up their profile feed differently, comes to Instagram.

Fortunately, the future of this feature has been announced:

Don’t you think the 15 second story time limit is not enough anymore?

For years, when we upload a video longer than 15 seconds, Instagram has automatically split it into multiple stories. It would be nice if we could make our video posts longer instead of splitting our stories. Those who want to share their videos in short, we want to share longer videos.

The voices of those who have been asking for this for a long time will have been heard, and this feature will be available to everyone very soon:

Should you explain now how you rank your stories?

One question in the minds of 7 billion people; According to what order are the people watching our stories? You may have noticed that the order of those who watched our story changes every time we enter. It’s not usually the first person to watch. Many studies on this subject show that the order is not random and the algorithm works in a very different way. In fact, according to experience, Instagram places the person who stalks you the most. So, the person you think you have nothing to do with may be the person who stalks you the most.

So, what features do you want?

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