Famous DJ Steve Aoki Talks About NFTs

Speaking at the Gala Music event, world-renowned American DJ and producer Steve Aoki has been in the NFT space for several years and wants to see these assets transform the music industry.
 Famous DJ Steve Aoki Talks About NFTs
READING NOW Famous DJ Steve Aoki Talks About NFTs

Speaking at the

Gala Music event, world-renowned American DJ and producer Steve Aoki has been in the NFT space for several years and wants to see these assets transform the music industry.

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Aoki described himself as a “futurist” in the question-answer section of the event he attended. He expressed his belief that NFTs will truly change the music industry.

“I Earned More from NFTs than I Earned from Music”

Aoki said that live DJ concerts account for 95% of his music revenue. Steve Aoki spoke about NFTs as follows;

“I’ve made much more money from NFTs last year than I’ve made in my 10-year music career.”

said one reason NFTs are so exciting is because of how reliant they are on the communities that are emerging and supporting them. For Aoki, this is great because many musicians have huge followings.

Prepares to Launch ‘Aokiverse’ Platform

Aoki is as much a creator as he is a collector. He not only owns the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT, but is also working on a Solana-based NFT market. It is preparing to launch Aokiverse, a membership club based on NFTs that will ‘coexist with the real world’. Aoki continued his words as follows;

“Web3 means ownership, and that includes owning your data.”

In the future, as technology develops, Facebook and Instagram will end the days of collecting user data and the internet will become something that empowers users, adding the following about the platform;

“A new version where we show what we have and it will be a part of who we are.”

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