Fallout 76 passed 13 million players years later!

Fallout 76, the game that Bethesda was critically critical of when it was released, has reached more than 13.5 million users with great success!
 Fallout 76 passed 13 million players years later!
READING NOW Fallout 76 passed 13 million players years later!

Bethesda continues to develop and close the deficiencies of Fallout 76, which it released in October 2018, since its release. The efforts of the company finally paid off, and the game, which was highly criticized by the players at the time of its release, made people smile years later. The production managed to make a major re-release.

Fallout 76’s failed debut and rise

Some games we’ve seen in the last few years have failed due to the fact that they were released earlier than they should, despite their potential, but they improved over time and were able to appeal to larger audiences. For example, productions such as No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 are examples of this.

Likewise, Fallout 76, despite being badly remembered for a long time, managed to correct this perception. With years of revision, new content, and updates such as patches, Fallout 76 eventually managed to reach more than 13 million players in total.

How much is Fallout 76 played instantly?

According to Bethesda’s report, approximately 500,000 new players have purchased Fallout 76 since October, resulting in a total of close to 13.5 million players. Although we know how many people own the game, the data shared by the company does not tell us the number of instant players. We can get this information most clearly from Steam’s lists showing the number of simultaneous players.

In 2022, Fallout 76 saw an average of 7,000 concurrent players. October was the busiest period for the game with 17,506 players. Of course, this information is only on Steam. The number would be much larger if services like Xbox Game Pass and platforms like consoles are also included.

Fallout 76, which has more than 40,000 reviews on Steam, received an average of 76 percent appreciation from the players, despite the criticism it received at the time of release. In addition, 79 percent of the last 1,000 reviews are positive.

So what do you think about this success of Fallout 76? Are you among the 13.5 million people playing the game? Don’t forget to share it with us in the comments section!

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