Eyes on Bitcoin Market: 2 Important Announcements Awaited!

It can be backed up by any major positive news from the Bitcoin 2022 conference. Here are 2 critical announcements by important figures...
 Eyes on Bitcoin Market: 2 Important Announcements Awaited!
READING NOW Eyes on Bitcoin Market: 2 Important Announcements Awaited!

After a meteoric rise throughout March, BTC saw a slight correction ahead of the ongoing Bitcoin 2022 conference in Miami. The world’s most valuable cryptocurrency is enjoying a rare rise but can be backed up by any major positive news from the Bitcoin conference. Let’s take a look at the details of the 2 critical announcements that may come from the conference that will end on April 9…

Samson Mow and Jack Mallers, Bitcoin is planning big announcements in 2022

El Salvador president Nayib Bukele’s 7 Despite the news that he will cancel his presentation in April, the agenda of the event still includes speakers who have been actively working to increase the adoption of Bitcoin in Latin America last year. At least two major announcements to be made today keep eyes on the conference. One of these; Speech by Pixelmatic CEO and former Blockstream chief strategy officer Samson Mow this evening at 5:45 PM. After announcing that he will cancel Nayib Bukele’s speech, Mow made an exciting statement with the following tweet:

Then I guess I need to leverage 100x in my announcement tomorrow

https:/ /twitter.com/Excellion/status/1511776726300467204

Mow played a key role in the development of El Salvador’s Bitcoin bond, scheduled for release in March and currently pending until further notice. He announced on March 1 that he was leaving Blockstream after five years to “focus on nation-state Bitcoin adoption.” Another critical one is the speech of Strike CEO Jack Mallers, which started at 16:35 tonight. He is making a presentation to investors for the promotion of the Lightning Network supported mobile payment application. The app is currently available in the USA, El Salvador, and Argentina.

Jack Mallers’ speech was instrumental in countries’ BTC adoption

At the Bitcoin 2021 conference last year, Mallers gave a speech on the opportunities for countries to adopt Bitcoin, and that’s Bukele’s Bitcoin in El Salvador It was the moment when he announced that he would accept it as the official currency. Mallers said he played a role in helping create the legislation to make that happen. Meanwhile, in an interview on March 31, when asked to hint at what Bitcoin 2022 attendees can expect, he told podcast host Natalie Brunell, “We need to get more investors on board.” We will be presenting the highlights of the event, which will end on April 9, as Kriptokoin.com.

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