Evelynn CT in Lol, All Her Talents, Strengths and Weaknesses

League of Legends' shadow demon Evelynn awaits her prey in the dark and remote corners of Summoner's Rift. As one of the most insidious and frightening characters of the jungle region, Evelynn ensures that your full attention is at all times.
 Evelynn CT in Lol, All Her Talents, Strengths and Weaknesses
READING NOW Evelynn CT in Lol, All Her Talents, Strengths and Weaknesses

Evelynn is an expert at surprise attacks. You can see a demon leaping at you from anywhere at any moment, as you never know where it will come from, thanks to the permanent invisibility provided by its passive ability.

Evelynn is one of the most resourceful characters in League of Legends when it comes to being sneaky. If you’re dealing with a knowledgable Evelynn, don’t be surprised if she kills the guy next to you and disappears.

Evelynn CTs:

  • Fiddlesticks
  • Kindred
  • Sejuani
  • Rek’Sai
  • Vi

Evelynn’s real strength is revealed against fragile characters. His tremendous instant damage and the potential to get out of battle very quickly make the character a real hunter. But the characters that can break this equation can make things difficult for Evelynn. Like Fiddlesticks’ health recharge or Kindred being very mobile and at worst immortal with her ultimate ability. Evelynn is also pretty weak against half-tank offensive characters in the role of Bruiser. The longer she fights, the harder it gets for Evelynn to get out.

All of Evelynn’s abilities, which can take on the Demon Shadow:

  • Passive / Demon Shadow: Evelynn masquerades as Demon Shadow out of combat. Demon Shadow heals Evelynn when her health is low and provides a camouflage effect after level 6.
  • Q / Hate Spike: Evelynn attacks with her whip, dealing damage to the first unit hit. He can then send spikes that move in a straight line to nearby enemies up to 3 times.
  • W / Heartbreaking: Evelynn curses her target and her next attack or ability tempts the target after a pause, reducing the target’s magic resist.
  • E / Whip: Evelynn whips her target, dealing damage. He then gains movement speed for a short time.
  • R / Widowmaker: Evelynn becomes untargetable for a short time and reappears by retreating to a distant location after she shatters the area in front of her.

‘Demon of Lust’ Evelynn’s strengths and weaknesses:

Evelynn’s strengths:

  • Evelynn’s invisibility is not caught by sight totems so she can easily move forward without breaking her stealth
  • With the surprise attack element of invisibility and high instant damage, it can kill opponents very quickly and disappear
  • Ability to engage in both defensive and offensive scenarios thanks to the crowd control provided by the E ability

A good Evelynn can truly be any bottom laner’s nightmare. Especially if they use E crowd control well, the opposing player will die until they are released from crowd control. Moreover, the fact that he can use his ultimate ability for both attacking and escaping offers the character a more flexible gameplay.

Evelynn’s weaknesses:

  • Evelynn’s invisibility feature is a feature that is unlocked with level 6, so she cannot show her presence in the game until level 6
  • Once it has appeared, it will take a few seconds to become invisible again, so it can be a very obvious target at certain times.
  • Slightly weak against defensive characters, except for fragile characters

Evelynn is an early-stage jungler who can’t show much of her strength. In particular, unlocking his invisibility with his ultimate at level 6 delays his attempt to reveal his presence in the game. Also, his reliance on his ult skill a lot compared to many other characters can make the character unable to show his full potential while his ult is on cooldown. The biggest problem arises with multiple targets. Fighting multiple targets may not turn out well for Evelynn, as it takes a few seconds for her to become invisible again.

How to play Evelynn in LoL?

  • Evelynn cannot be invisible until level 6 and cannot use her ultimate, so it is useful to play defensively until she reaches her full potential.
  • It’s important to seize this opportunity as Evelynn’s ultimate ability can execute and directly kill enemies below a certain health.
  • When playing Evelynn, you definitely need to take precautions. You have to catch the opponents alone as much as possible and be careful to escape.
  • If you can find time to become invisible after taking damage, you will be able to return to battle as you can regain some of the lost health

Evelynn is one of the characters that should not be left behind. If you lose your trump card, a very quick death may be waiting for you. Therefore, you must carefully hunt down your opponents and look for opportunities to become invisible again. You can also help your team by applying the execution effect of the ultimate ability on defensive characters that are difficult to cut.

How to play against Evelynn, how to beat Evelynn?

  • It’s important to be prepared for raids with control totems as normal vision wards don’t work on Evelynn
  • 6. This time can be used to put pressure on Evelynn, as Evelynn is relatively non-threatening to the level.
  • One of Evelynn’s greatest strengths is to hunt players who wander alone, so be sure to roam with your team.
  • When Evelynn’s W casts a mark on you, even if you don’t see Evelynn, you can prepare for a surprise attack as an indicator of where she left the mark will appear around you.

Playing against Evelynn is all about being cautious. Leaving control totems in your corridors where you can possibly raid and eat will greatly increase your chances of survival. Since Evelynn’s W casts a mark on you before applying crowd control, an indicator will spawn towards the place where this mark was left, that is, where Evelynn left it. You can be prepared for the direction this indicator comes from and welcome Evelynn.

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