European Crypto Asset Manager CoinShares is Expanding into the US Market!

European Crypto Asset Manager CoinShares is Expanding into the US Market!
Cryptocurrencies, which were once only interested in conspiracy theorists, have now reached institutional investors. CoinShares, one of Europe’s largest crypto asset management companies, is making a new move to expand beyond the ocean.
CoinShares officials announced in their official statement that they will launch a hedge fund for US investors. The fund in question will begin to serve select investors as of Friday. Jean-Marie Mongetti, one of the company’s senior managers, said the following after the news:
“Hedge funds attract interest due to the uncertainty and anxiety created by current macroeconomic conditions. “Funds that offer higher performance than interest rates will always be cherished.”
CoinShares, which manages more than $2.5 billion in crypto assets, applied to the SEC in recent months to list Bitcoin and Ethereum themed funds. The company wants to crown its global leadership by being active in the American market.