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Energy Minister Announced: Electricity Discount Coming to Tradesmen

Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Dönmez announced that there will be a discount in the electricity used by the tradesmen. Dönmez said that places with association and foundation status will also benefit from the discount, and spoke about the rate of the discount.
 Energy Minister Announced: Electricity Discount Coming to Tradesmen
READING NOW Energy Minister Announced: Electricity Discount Coming to Tradesmen

Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Fatih Dönmez, made statements about electricity bills, which have been on the agenda recently. In the statements made by Fatih Dönmez, there were expressions that would especially please the tradesmen. The Minister of Energy said that a 25 percent discount will be made on the electricity bills of the tradesmen. The arrangement is scheduled to be cultivated by March 1. In the statements made by Fatih Dönmez

, it was stated that the places with the status of associations and foundations will also benefit from the said discount. The documents to be submitted by such subscribers to the authorities will be sufficient to benefit from the discount. So what awaits the residences? Let’s look at the statements of Fatih Dönmez, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources.

February data will also be looked at for residences

Fatih Dönmez spoke as follows regarding residences:

“Get the statistics of housing consumption in January. In January, the number of households remaining at the first discounted limit, that is, up to 210 kWh, increased by 64 percent in January. Almost 2 out of 3 did not exceed it at all. However, 35 percent consumed more than 210 kWh. January The month of electricity and natural gas consumption is one of the most intense. We will monitor it regarding 210 kWh. We will also look at the data for February. We will try to find out if there is another possibility in the part up to 210 kWh that we are working on.

Ticarethane We started to work on a discounted tariff similar to the one in housing for the tradesmen and craftsmen in the group. Work on this issue continues. Our aim is to work on the new tariff for both business and residences. Finish by March 1st. There will probably be a 25 percent discount from the invoice amount of the shopkeeper at a certain level.”

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