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Elon Musk’s ‘Person of the Year’ Selection Confuses the USA

Time's selection of Elon Musk as the person of the year was met with reaction in the USA. Some well-known names spoke very harshly about Elon Musk. The magazine announced that it stands behind the decision.
 Elon Musk’s ‘Person of the Year’ Selection Confuses the USA
READING NOW Elon Musk’s ‘Person of the Year’ Selection Confuses the USA

In a content we shared with you yesterday, we mentioned that Time chose the person of the year and that this person is Elon Musk. The team, which included the photo of Elon Musk on the cover of the magazine, suddenly became the focus of the reactions. Many people in the USA strongly opposed the election of Elon Musk as Person of the Year. So why?

Time drew a very positive mood for Elon Musk. Mentioning the billionaire businessman with terms such as clown, genius, visionary, showman and industrialist, the team emphasized that progressive companies such as SpaceX, SolarCity and Tesla were founded by Elon Musk. However, some statements made by Elon Musk to date seem to have prevented these successes.

Time had to explain

Elon Musk was much discussed with his COVID-19 statements in 2020. To the billionaire businessman, this disease was not such a big deal. In addition, Elon Musk was one of the most talked about names with his statements about crypto money markets. However, there was such an issue that it was above all of them. This issue, as you can imagine, was the billionaires tax thing that shook the agenda of the USA. Elon Musk was strongly against the tax on business people who made billions of dollars. It was this issue that brought Time’s decision to debate.

Senator Elizabeth Warren made some statements on the subject. “Time’s person of the year decision shows that tax reform should be done. The person of the year should not be someone who really pays taxes and lives off everyone,” said Warren, who also supported. “Anyone who threatened employees with a stock option if they unionized was named Person of the Year,” said Robert Reich, the Clinton-era Secretary of Labor.

In the statements made by Time, which almost regretted choosing Elon Musk as the person of the year, the expressions “We can choose people of the year who have had a good or bad effect on this year.” The magazine stated that it will continue to stand behind its decision.

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