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  • Elon Musk’s ‘Burnt Hair’ perfume was sold in over 20,000 units within hours

Elon Musk’s ‘Burnt Hair’ perfume was sold in over 20,000 units within hours

Elon Musk sometimes makes such a statement that it sounds like a joke to those who hear it. Musk's announcement that he would sell a perfume called 'Burnt Hair' had such an effect in the first place. However, the famous name is very serious about this and even the number of orders is within hours...
 Elon Musk’s ‘Burnt Hair’ perfume was sold in over 20,000 units within hours
READING NOW Elon Musk’s ‘Burnt Hair’ perfume was sold in over 20,000 units within hours
Elon Musk sometimes makes such a statement that it sounds like a joke to those who hear it. Musk’s announcement that he would sell a perfume called ‘Burnt Hair’ had such an effect in the first place.

However, the famous name is very serious about this and even the number of orders has exceeded 20 thousand within hours. The price of the perfume, which attracts attention with its red bottle, is sold through the company called The Boring Company. In other words, a company that was founded with the intention of digging tunnels for underground transportation earned $2 million in revenue from perfume sales.

It is a matter of curiosity how the perfume named Burnt Hair will actually smell. Musk also announced that those who want to buy the perfume can pay with DOGE. On the other hand, Musk’s tweets on this subject show that he is having a lot of fun.

Updating his profile as ‘Perfume Dealer’ on his official Twitter account, Elon Musk tweeted during the day, “I can’t wait to see the news that $1 million of Burnt Hair perfume is sold tomorrow” and “Please buy my perfume so I can get Twitter”.

Burnt Hair perfume is not Elon Musk’s first extraordinary project. Previously, red shorts and Teslaquilla tequila were sold through Tesla. Also, The Boring Company had previously sold flamethrowers for $500.

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