Elon Musk: Tesla Could Stop Sales

Elon Musk has announced that Tesla may stop taking orders for a while. As the reason for this plan, Musk cited the inability to meet the increasing demand with low production.
 Elon Musk: Tesla Could Stop Sales
READING NOW Elon Musk: Tesla Could Stop Sales

The difficulties in raw material supply and the chip crisis, which continue to affect all over the world, led to the inability to meet the demands in many sectors. Among these sectors, the automotive sector felt the situation most concretely. So much so that even BMW had to release some of its models without important features.

On the other hand, Tesla, the leader of the electric car market, had made a huge increase in its prices due to raw materials, supply and all other factors. While Tesla showed how high the demand is with record-breaking sales every year despite all the crises, an important statement came from Elon Musk today.

Tesla may stop taking orders for a while

In an interview with the Financial Times, Elon Musk announced that Tesla may stop taking orders for a while. Stating that they could not keep up with the high demand for vehicles, Elon Musk spoke as follows:

“Demand exceeds production incredibly. In fact, we will probably stop taking any orders after a certain period of time because some timings (delivery time) are already a year away.”

Elon Musk stated that they plan to stop taking orders due to extended delivery dates, but did not provide information about which models this would include. Tesla currently sets a delivery date for the Model X Plaid from August to September 2022, while the longest delivery date seems to be for the twin-engine Model X variant. The delivery date for this variant is listed as January – April 2023.

Elon Musk’s interview with the Financial Times (English)

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