Elon Musk: I Can Sell Twitter

Elon Musk made striking statements to the BBC. Speaking mostly about the process of buying Twitter, Musk also announced some of his regrets. Meanwhile; Musk will sell Twitter if he can find a buyer.
 Elon Musk: I Can Sell Twitter
READING NOW Elon Musk: I Can Sell Twitter

Billionaire businessman Elon Musk gave a remarkable interview to the BBC. This interview actually brought many confessions for Musk. When we look at his statements, we see that Elon Musk has some regrets. Let’s take a closer look at Elon Musk’s interview with BBC reporter James Clayton.

An important part of Elon Musk’s interview with the BBC was about Twitter, which was bought for $ 44 billion. Stating that he went through a painful process, Musk said, “The level of pain was quite high. It was not like a party.” used his statements. Stating that he does not regret buying Twitter, the billionaire businessman explained that the last months have been quite stressful, but things are slowly getting back on track. Meanwhile; Elon Musk added that if a good bid is made for Twitter, he can sell the platform.

Twitter’s ad revenue increased

Making a striking statement after James Clayton asked about Twitter’s financial situation, Musk stated that things were going head-to-head. This was important because after taking control of Elon Musk, Twitter distanced itself from advertisers, which dried up the platform’s number one source of revenue. He even said that Twitter could go bankrupt. The statement to the BBC reveals that advertisers are returning. Speaking about the future, the businessman said, “If things go well, cash flow may turn positive this quarter.” used his statements.

The 2022-2023 season did not go well for the technology world. So much so that all big companies, without exception, made mass layoffs in this process. Twitter was one of them. Elon Musk stated that there were around 8,000 employees when he took over the platform, and this number is now around 1,500.

“I hit my heel”

You know Elon Musk; He keeps posting on Twitter according to his head. Here’s a confession about this, the businessman said, “Did I hit my heel many times? Yes. I think I shouldn’t tweet after 3:00. If you’re going to tweet something that might be controversial, save it as a draft and look at it again the next day.” By using his expressions, he actually stated that he regretted his shares.

Meanwhile; In a news we shared with you recently, we mentioned that Elon Musk made a statement about free blue ticks on Twitter and said that the deadline is April 20. Of course, this date was a little confusing. However, Musk also made the same statement in an interview with the BBC. The newly received free blue ticks may indeed be history on April 20.

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