Elon Musk Announces Twitter May Be Paid

Elon Musk made statements about the future of Twitter. The billionaire businessman said that Twitter may be paid in the future. However, this does not apply to ordinary users.
 Elon Musk Announces Twitter May Be Paid
READING NOW Elon Musk Announces Twitter May Be Paid

Last week, Elon Musk, who reached an agreement to buy Twitter for 44 billion dollars, fell on the agenda like a bomb, continues his statements about the platform. This time, Musk, who made a statement about the free structure of Twitter, made a remarkable exit. According to Elon Musk’s statements, Twitter may become paid in the near future. Let’s look at the details of these explanations together.

Elon Musk made remarkable statements after purchasing Twitter. The billionaire businessman, who mentioned that there will be great innovations in the platform, stated that troll accounts will also be dealt with and Twitter will become a place where only real users can be found. Elon Musk’s last statement on Twitter was about money. Fortunately, this explanation doesn’t mean much to casual users.

Twitter may become paid for companies and government officials

Elon Musk, who also shared on Twitter, said that Twitter will always be free for ordinary users. told. However, Musk, who made a separate title for companies and government officials, mentioned that small payments may be on the agenda. The new owner of Twitter did not give any explanation as to how this transformation could be made.

We can say that the statement made by Elon Musk is somewhat interesting. Because even though Twitter is a free platform, anyone who wanted to share sponsored tweets was already making certain payments. Now, it seems that some users’ accounts will be directly charged. Time will tell how this situation will be met on the platform.

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