Effects of Lunar Eclipse on Our Psychology

Effects of Lunar Eclipse on Our Psychology

Planets rotate, satellites rotate; There is always something going on in the universe. We, the little speck of dust in the whole universe, are just watching. For example, the Moon orbits the Earth twice a year on average in its standard motion cycle. During this event, called a lunar eclipse, the Moon cannot reflect light because it is under the shadow of the Earth, and we see a dark Moon in the sky.

When there is a lunar eclipse, demons invade, werewolves appear, animals go crazy, people become psychopaths; so it is said. It may be expected that the movements of the moon will inevitably cause some changes in the primitive self of man, but it is not possible from the point of view of science that it creates such great effects. Let’s look at the effects of the lunar eclipse on human psychology from both scientific and mystical aspects.

Let’s understand the case first; What is a lunar eclipse and when will it happen?

While our beautiful satellite, the Moon, rotates in its own orbit, sometimes its orbit coincides with the orbit of our Earth. The Moon, which orbits the Earth for a period ranging from 50 minutes to 1 hour, remains in the shadow of the much larger Earth. Just like a mirror, the Moon, which reflects the Sun’s light, cannot reflect the light because it is in shadow, and when we humans look at the Moon, we see a partially or completely dark spot. This event is called a lunar eclipse.

Lunar eclipse happens twice a year. In some rare cases, it has also been seen to occur three times. Depending on the atmospheric movements during the lunar eclipse, sometimes there is a copper-colored appearance on the Moon, which is called a blood lunar eclipse. You can see when and how the lunar eclipse will occur until 2100 via the link here.

Why should the moon affect us?

We have a body clock, also called the circadian rhythm. This biological clock enables us to live during the day and sleep at night, like most of the creatures living in nature. Just like the Sun, the Moon is also included in this hour. Because since the world we know exists, there is the Sun during the day and the Moon at night.

Of course, there is no longer a biological clock salary. We work without seeing sunlight, we constantly look at technological devices with blue screens, we do not know how to go to bed at night and get up in the morning. This is exactly why the Moon actually does not affect humans as much as we think. Of course, tides and similar effects on Earth are known facts.

So what does science say about this?

Neurology Specialist Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı uses the following sentences in an interview he gave for Habertürk;

“In the periods when artificial lights were not so dominant in our lives and the moonlight illuminated the night, the idea that there was a direct relationship between the phases of the Moon and the menstrual cycle disappeared with the effect of artificial lights and modernization in our lives.”

Of course, the lunar cycle still has different effects on animals. For example, in a 2010 study by the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Anthropology, more aggressive movements were observed in monkeys during a lunar eclipse.

Even if it has not been scientifically proven, it is known that animal attacks increase during lunar eclipse periods, there is an increase in the symptoms of psychological disorders, strange behaviors are observed in some people and there are people who have sleep problems. But as we said, in the modern world, the Moon no longer has at least a scientifically proven effect on humans.

Let’s come to mystical beliefs; What are the psychological effects of a lunar eclipse?

O omnipotent elixir, now hear our petition and bring us a solution; Just as the Moon approaches the Earth, it moves the waters in that hemisphere and causes tides by pulling them to itself, so it has the same effect on our emotions and attracts them to itself.

During the lunar eclipse, the primitive side of the human brain awakens and the wild side comes alive. Our wild side is cruel, dark, selfish and indecisive. During this period, feminine and masculine energies are very high. All kinds of unbalanced and even perverted movements occur at this time. During this period, it is necessary not to leave the house and even not to answer the phones.

Be sure to stop eating until 9 hours before the lunar eclipse. You can drink water. Do not touch clothing, food, personal belongings. Do not try to transfer your energy, which is already being drawn by the Moon, to others. Otherwise, what will happen to you until the next lunar eclipse?

Why do we believe such things?

Of course, we do not want to offend anyone, everyone believes in himself, but since we are talking about a natural phenomenon that is studied with the science of astronomy, we need to listen to some scientific facts. Planetary movements, of course, have an effect on some things, but the things in question are other natural events such as tides.

Of course, these movements can have effects on wildlife. If you were a tiger hanging out in the forest and tried to find your way by using the moonlight at night, the darkening of the surroundings due to the lunar eclipse would of course make you much more aggressive. It is also possible that an increased desire to procreate is a basic instinct.

Let’s not forget that we live in the 21st century. If you are reading this article in the middle of the night, even that affects your biological clock. Because you are exposed to blue light from a computer, tablet or phone screen. Your body doesn’t understand is it day or night now? After all, we are constantly exposed to artificial light, what do we know, did the Moon eclipse or not? We can’t even see it when we look because of the city lights.

It is necessary to take into account the psychological side of the work:

I think we have agreed that, according to science, the lunar eclipse has no positive or negative effects on humans. But there is a small detail, psychology does not listen to science or anything. If a person has put in his mind for once that the lunar eclipse will have a negative effect on him, it is really easy to be affected negatively.

At this point, you are in control. If you have rituals that fit your religious or mystical beliefs, you can do it during a lunar eclipse, just make sure you don’t hurt yourself or anyone else. If the feeling you feel is uncomfortable, you can spend the day with the people you love or doing the things you love. Of course, if this event has become an obsession, you may want to consider getting help from an expert.

We tried to examine the effects of the lunar eclipse caused by ordinary planetary movements on human psychology in the light of science. These types of thoughts are good in terms of coloring life, but obsessing over certain things does not always produce positive results.