Draven CTs, Strengths And Weaknesses, All Abilities

We've made a guide for you with all the abilities, strengths and weaknesses, CTs and gameplay tips of Draven, one of the frustrating and overpowered shooters of League of Legends.
 Draven CTs, Strengths And Weaknesses, All Abilities
READING NOW Draven CTs, Strengths And Weaknesses, All Abilities

Draven, the crazy brother of the great general Darius from Noxus, uses his war skills to entertain his audience and satisfy his ego in the gladiator arena, instead of using his war skills for his country.

In League of Legends, Draven uses this power to satisfy his ego again. We’ve listed all of Draven’s abilities, strengths and weaknesses, all CT’s and gameplay tips for you.

All of Draven’s abilities: Ax that can go forever and spins when summoned

Passive – League of Draven: Draven gains adoration stacks when he catches his spinning axes, kills minions and monsters, or destroys towers. Killing an opponent converts these fan stacks into gold for Draven.

Q – Spinning Ax: Draven’s attack deals bonus physical damage and bounces an ax over the opponent. If he catches the ax, Draven can use it again. Draven can spin two axes at once.

W – Adrenalin Flood: Draven gains movement and attack speed. Catching an ax resets this ability’s cooldown.

E – Stand Back: Draven throws two axes at enemies, knocking them aside and dealing damage.

R – Blade of Death: Draven throws axes that can go forever and can be recalled at will.

One of the strongest marksman champions, Draven’s strengths and weaknesses:


Draven is one of the strongest marksman champions. Thanks to his Passive and Q, Draven can gain more gold than most champions if he can bust his fan stacks. Draven is an incredibly powerful 1v1 champion, and there’s hardly a marksman he can’t beat. This makes it a great choice for most shooter matches.


Draven’s gameplay mechanics are very difficult to get used to and take a lot of practice. The Q ability is quite difficult to play around. If you die when you have too many fanbases, you miss out on a lot of free gold. Teamfight can be difficult for Draven as he needs to get his Q off the ground in battles. If he doesn’t get them, Draven’s damage will be greatly reduced.

Draven CTs that could bring him down

  • Kog’Maw
  • Ashe
  • Vayne

Draven’s biggest enemies are champions that can defeat and slow him at attack speed. The champion who best beats him at attack speed is Kog’Maw, and woe to Draven if he’s got Lulu by his side. Ashe slows Draven, preventing him from catching up, and can quickly melt him down with his support. Similar to Kog’Maw, Vayne can take out Draven with her attack speed and true damage.

Tips for playing Executioner Draven:

In the early game, Draven is very strong. He can score straight even at level 1 if he can keep picking up his axes from the ground. So use this feature to crush your opponent in the early game. You are very strong again with Draven in the middle game. At 2 item levels, Draven does very absurd damage, you can play with your teammates and win 2v2, 3v3 very easily.

In the late game, if Draven hasn’t been able to build, his function may drop a bit. If you’re tight, don’t hesitate to chase your opponents because you can kill them in 2 hits. If you haven’t, stand behind your tanks and try to do damage safely.

Thus, we have come to the end of our content, where we list all the abilities, strengths, weaknesses, CTs and gameplay suggestions of LoL top laner champion Draven. Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below.

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