Donald Trump’s lawsuit against Twitter was dismissed

There has been a very important development in the lawsuit filed by former US President Donald Trump after being banned from Twitter. The district judge, who handled the case, rejected Trump's claims!
 Donald Trump’s lawsuit against Twitter was dismissed
READING NOW Donald Trump’s lawsuit against Twitter was dismissed

Donald Trump, whose name we are accustomed to hear every day when he was President of the USA, was banned from many social media platforms on the grounds that his posts caused hate speech and outrage; One of the people who closed Trump’s account was Twitter. Upon this, Trump, who founded his own social media account Truth, also applied to the court to reopen his Twitter account.

There has been a very important development in this case today. A district judge in California has ‘denied’ Trump’s lawsuit against Twitter.

Judge says Trump’s Twitter ban is perfectly legal

He dismissed the lawsuit. On the other hand, it was stated that Trump and a group of other banned users have until May 27 to change their complaints and file a complaint again.

But even if this decision does qualify for appeal, it means that any amended version from the Trump wing will face a tough challenge. The order specifically defies Trump’s claims that Twitter violates the First Amendment and that Section 230 of the Communications Ethics Act is unconstitutional. However, in Judge Donato’s analysis, the claimant Trump’s statement that his claims lacked a strong basis indicates that the course is not so bright for Trump and others who have been expelled from Twitter.

Twitter’s terms of service state that an account can be suspended at any time for no reason

When Trump filed the lawsuit, some lawmakers joined Twitter to ban him claimed to have made the call; However, Donato firmly states that these claims are not true and that Twitter did not act as a state factor in Trump’s expulsion from the platform. The resolution states, “Legislators are completely free to express their opinions without being seen as the official voice of the ‘State’.” However, allegations that authorities called for a ban are also denied.

The reason behind the failure of the Article 230 claim; Trump and the plaintiffs are cited as failing to show any connection between the law and the bans. Stating that accounts can be suspended for any reason or no reason in accordance with Twitter’s Terms of Service, Donato stated that there is nothing secretive or misleading in these provisions.

Considering the fact that Trump will not be able to add new allegations to an amended file, this means that the final verdict won’t be much different unless he makes a dramatic change in the judge’s reasoning. Of course, when we consider the latest developments on the Twitter front, namely that Elon Musk bought the platform with the promise of a ‘freer place’, it can be predicted that Trump’s account will be restored voluntarily by Twitter.

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