Dogecoin will be paid at Tesla charging stations

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that payments can be made with Dogecoin at new Tesla charging stations, which will be designed as a rest facility.
 Dogecoin will be paid at Tesla charging stations
READING NOW Dogecoin will be paid at Tesla charging stations

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, via Twitter, in response to the post of Ryan Zohoury, the founder of Tesla Console, about the newly opened Tesla charging stations in Santa Monica gave. With this response, Tesla CEO signaled that Dogecoin will be accepted as a payment method in the future at Tesla charging stations.

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Will it be possible to pay with DOGE at Tesla Charging Stations?

Tesla Console founder Ryan Zohoury stated that with the opening of the charging stations, the stations were full of Tesla branded cars and shared a photo to confirm this sharing.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk responded to this post by saying that there is a plan to open a futurism-themed restaurant and a movie theater with vehicles in the Hollywood area. In addition, Musk emphasized that this station can accept payments with Dogecoin (DOGE).

It should also be noted that Tesla CEO Elon Musk is trying to expand the use of the popular meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE) in payment methods. In recent months, the company has started accepting payments with Dogecoin for some of Tesla’s spin-offs.

Finally, Elon Musk recently hinted that both Starlink and SpaceX may start accepting DOGE payments in the future.

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