Does the Climate in Your Geography Affect Your Character?

We have always heard people complaining about how cold a nation the Russians are. This situation; It is wondered whether it is because of their dislike for people or because of its cold climate. While many factors affect human character, is climate really one of them?
 Does the Climate in Your Geography Affect Your Character?
READING NOW Does the Climate in Your Geography Affect Your Character?

In fact, this theory dates back to before today. Seeing the inferences made by Ibn Khaldun, Aristotle and even Montesquieu on this issue, it is easy to see that the Scandinavians’ appearance of coldness is not a contemporary issue.

The climatic conditions of the geography where people were born and raised make it easier for us to make inferences about the characters of the people. Even if there are studies that support this situation, we can say that this situation is not supported by everyone. Let’s examine these views together in a logical framework.

Whether the climate is hot or cold, even the foods people eat affect one’s soul.

Although this issue has not been brought to the fore until now, there have been quite different studies on the subject recently. In a study conducted by Lei Wang, a professor at Peking University, it was revealed that the different temperature values ​​of various regions of the world affect human character positively or negatively.

Aristotle was the first thinker to systematically address the relationship between the physical environment and society.

According to the argument developed by Aristotle on this subject, climate is the only element that gives people virtues. He presents an approach that explains social differences based on climate difference.

According to this approach, those living in cold geography can preserve their military virtues; they are courageous, passionate but less resourceful and less intelligent. Therefore, they can remain independent, but they cannot establish a political union. Those who live in hot countries are open to cultural development, intelligent and talented, but less courageous and weak-willed, therefore they are enslaved. The temperate climate people are both intelligent and courageous, independent and able to manage. (Aristotle, Politics, p. 207)

Ibn Khaldun, an important sociologist of Islamic civilization, also addressed this issue in his Mukaddime.

Unlike Aristotle, Ibn Khaldun takes this opinion one step further. The approach that cold geographical conditions lead people to become warriors was put forward by names such as Hippocrates and Thucydides, and Ibn Khaldun further developed this approach.

According to Ibn Khaldun, man is a product of the soil he lives in and matures according to the conditions of this geography.

According to the “Seven Climates” understanding, Ibn Khaldun also reveals the characteristic structures of the people living here by considering the regions as “hot” and “cold”.

While discussing the comparison of this characteristic, sociological, religious and many features; The famous sociologist describes the character of the Sudanese people based on the influence of the hot weather they live in.

According to his mention, black people; They are light and hasty in their work, and they are too fond of pleasure and pleasure. He even says that the reason why they love to dance is that the heat in the equatorial regions penetrates the structure of people’s bodies.

According to Ibn Khaldun’s analogy to the bath, the person relaxes and becomes happy with the effect of the heat in the bath. (Ibn Khaldun, Mukaddime p. 266). In this respect, he also mentions a similarity between baths and hot and humid climates.

Montesquieu is the last stop of the discussions on this subject.

It is Montesquieu himself who introduced the Theory of Climates by developing approaches that establish a relationship between climate and social phenomena. Montesquieu, stating that there are factors affecting the society, argued that the climate, which is among these factors, is effective on temperament and character in his work called On the Spirit of Laws.

Of course, there are those who argue the opposite of this view. According to Evert Van de Vliert, a psychologist at the University of Gröningen, it is not quite correct that the climate is the only factor in character determination.

According to the psychologist, he says that people can strengthen their own character even in difficult and harsh climates. The basis for this thought is that in a study conducted on the USA and China, cold climate people in China are more inclined to work compared to their citizens in other cities. However, people from the same climatic conditions in the USA were identified as more individualistic.

Putting all that aside, there is a reality called climate change in the world right now. How will human character be affected in such a case?

Climates are changing day by day, cold climates are replaced by heat, and temperate climates are giving way to cold. In such a case, the accuracy of the conclusions of Ibn Khaldun, Aristotle and Montesquieu also decreases. Because the climate in the period when they made these determinations is not the same as the climate of the 21st century.

For this reason, many scientists, especially Peking University researchers, say that more research is needed to understand the effects of temperature on character.

Let’s not pass without mentioning this: As long as the climate changes in the world continue, there will be changes in the characters and social structure of the people. Future research will provide the answer to the question of how effective and comprehensive these will be.

Sources: Montesquie’s Theory of Climate, Academia

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