Does changing the lane provide a really advantage in traffic or are we deceiving ourselves?

Does changing the lane provide a really advantage in traffic or are we deceiving ourselves?

There are some researches on how much the lane change in traffic affects the total travel response.

In particular, we explain the information that will change the driving of those who try all roads by passing through that lane.

Does changing the lane save time?

Some drivers often think that they will get rid of traffic congestion more quickly by changing strips to go more rapidly, but research disrupts this misconception. Those who always change strips cannot gain a few minutes often compared to the remains.

Compared to a study conducted by the University of Toronto, the drivers who always change strips provide a maximum of 2 %profit from the total travel response, but this benefit is often losing its influence in heavy traffic and changing the lane does not offer as much advantage as it is thought.

In a simulation, it was revealed that the drivers who changed strips often gained very little time, but it took more risks. In other words, although it is possible to take the lead by changing the lane, it is quite finite.

The risks of changing the lane should not be the rest.

As we do not save time by constantly changing strips, we bring many risks with it. The first of these is the possibility of making an accident.

As the risk of not noticing the vehicles in blind spots increases, we make the reflection of the other drivers with sudden movements. In addition, due to the speed of the speed to endanger the vehicles from behind.

More than 10 %of traffic accidents compared to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Management (NHTSA) data are caused by false strips. In particular, sudden ribbon changes made in congested traffic can cause backstairs or side collision accidents.

Another research found that the drivers who frequently changed the strips were twice as much as the possibility of involvement in the accident compared to less strip -changing drivers.

Changing the lane also causes more traffic to be trapped.

Usually we can feel the feeling that the side lane progresses more rapidly than the lane we are, but this is a completely perceptual error.

Our eyes moving in traffic more notice the gaps in the side lane. So that lane comes to be more rapidly moving. However, after a respite, there is also traffic and the need for a lane change again.

This cycle also causes unnecessary strip changes. In conclusion; Continuous braking and acceleration fluctuations occur, and with this wave effect, traffic is more stuck.

The general flow is broken and the other vehicles are forced to make sudden braking. In addition, fuel consumption is increasing and carbon release of vehicles increases.

So in which situations are it advantageous to change the lane?

In fact, changing the lane in any case is not an idea. If the vehicle is going very slowly and if there is a faithful transition range, if your lane is closing or if you have a road work, you need to enter the exit strip, you can change strips in case of emergency to give way to the ambulance or police vehicle. But except in these situations, it is difficult to say that changing strips always gives an advantage.

As a result, the patient wins. Therefore, avoid unnecessary strip changes and proceed in the fixed strip when possible.

Sometimes it can be the key to going less, more rapidly!

Sources: Science Direct, ABC News, CBS News, Cheapinsurance

Keep in mind in traffic: