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Disappointing statement about Mars from NASA scientist: “The possibility of finding life on Mars…”

Is there life on Mars or not? A NASA scientist says we shouldn't be too hopeful with his statement.
 Disappointing statement about Mars from NASA scientist: “The possibility of finding life on Mars…”
READING NOW Disappointing statement about Mars from NASA scientist: “The possibility of finding life on Mars…”

Whether there is life on Mars is a question scientists have been trying to answer for many years, and various spacecraft are cruising its surface for any indication that life may exist on the Red Planet. Unfortunately, NASA’s search for life on Mars has been futile so far, but that doesn’t mean the space agency has given up.

While we’ve come very close to finding signs of life on Mars, including finding the building blocks of life on Mars, there’s currently very little chance of any life on the planet’s surface. In a new video posted to her YouTube channel, NASA scientist Heather Graham explains exactly why NASA’s search for life on Mars has failed.

According to Graham and everything NASA has discovered so far, it’s quite possible that there was life on Mars in the past. However, in the current state of the planet, the probability of life on the surface is much less than might be expected. Of course, this does not mean that the probability is completely zero. In fact, NASA says it believes we need to dig deeper to find signs of life on the Red Planet.

This is because the subsurface regions of the planet are more shielded from dangerous radiation passing through Mars’ very thin atmosphere. But NASA’s search for life on Mars has left many with confusing results. While we await the space agency’s Mars sample retrieval mission, we’ve even seen concerns that evidence of life on Mars may be faked.

But that possibility doesn’t stop Perseverance and other spacecraft already exploring the planet from looking deeper. There’s even a manned Mars mission that NASA plans to undertake in the future, which could shed more light on the possibility of life on the Red Planet, if not on the surface.

While we have yet to find direct evidence of life on Mars, NASA has already discovered possible signs of ancient life on the planet using the Curiosity rover.

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