Dinosaurs Some You Haven’t Even Seen in Jurassic Park

Dinosaurs, which have their origins in Ancient Greece and mean "terrible lizard", are one of the oldest known animals in history. This animal species, which emerged between 240 and 230 million years ago and lived in the Mesozoic Era, which included the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, evolved into the largest living things to have ever lived on land and in the sea over millions of years.
 Dinosaurs Some You Haven’t Even Seen in Jurassic Park
READING NOW Dinosaurs Some You Haven’t Even Seen in Jurassic Park

As of 2021, there are 1545 scientifically identified dinosaur species, with an average of 50 new species being discovered each year. In addition to having a wide range of masses from 78 tons to 500 grams, their unusual appearance and features bear various similarities with animals such as turtles, birds, giraffes and crocodiles.

We have examined 10 of these dinosaur species, which are still being studied with the researches and the remains that can be obtained, which have the most striking features and whose names are very rarely heard.

“Therizinosaurus” with long needle-like claws and a giraffe-like neck.

This gigantic dinosaur living in Mongolia, weighing around 100 kilograms, was initially thought to be an extinct sea turtle due to the appearance of its forearms. However, it was later determined to be a distant relative of Tyrannosaurus rex.

There is no definite answer to the questions of whether this creature, which is known to use its long, strong and sharp claws mostly for picking plants, is a classical vegetarian or a meat-eating species in addition to vegetables.

A unique species with a height of 3 meters and a weight of 2 tons, as well as demonic horns: Carnotaurus.

Known to have lived in South America about 71 million years ago, this dinosaur had small eyes and a short but deep skull. Paleontologists think that the short arms, which are the most striking features of the species, do not have any functionality.

This body structure of the species showed that it had a highly developed sense of smell, in addition to the inadequacy of several limbs. The horns of Carnotaurus, covered with large spikes and protrusions all over its body, were so prominent and frightening that it means “flesh-eating bull” in Latin.

“Utahraptor”, one of the largest dinosaur species with a length of 7 meters and seen as a candidate for the title of “king of dinosaurs”.

This creature, whose name means “Utah hunter”, lived in the early Cretaceous period, about 136 million years ago. It had a strong jaw and saw-shaped teeth, as well as a long tail that allowed it to move quickly and evenly.

The fossil length of the claw specimen, which has survived to this day, is 22 cm, and this measurement is thought to correspond to 24 cm in its normal form. The fact that it has wider claws on its hind legs makes scientists think that it hunts in packs and moves quickly.

Another species that might have earned the title of “king of the dinosaurs” with its unusual physical features is the “Spinosaurus”.

Spinosaurus, a genus that lived in North Africa about 99 to 93.5 million years ago, was the most ferocious dinosaur of all time. It was quite large compared to other types, with a weight of 10 tons. The skull was estimated to be about 175 meters, and at this length it was the longest of the carnivorous dizonors in terms of skull.

The most distinctive feature of this species is that it didn’t have a giant sail down its back that extended out of its keel. Some researchers suggest that these protrusions are a structure covered with muscles.

“Troodon”, known by far as the “smartest dinosaur” with an unusually high intelligence.

Known to have lived in northern Western America during the Late Cretaceous period, this creature was 2 meters long and weighed approximately 45-40 kilograms. The Troodon, presumed to be omnivorous, had rather large eyes and a much larger number of sharp teeth than its other species.

Their feathers, the presence of air sacs in their brains, and the incubation of their eggs were among their characteristics that showed their similarities with birds. He also had as much speed as the fastest racehorse ever recorded, with a maximum estimated running speed of about 64 kilometers per hour.

“Dreadnoughtus” is the largest land animal ever detected by weight.

With a length of about 26 meters and an estimated mass of about 65 tons, this dinosaur was spotted in the rock beds of Argentina. Dreadnoughtus used their nearly 11-foot necks to access leaves on trees and vegetation near the ground.

This herbivore, which has a curved back, is also thought to use its long muscular tail to ward off predators around it.

“Cryolophosaurus”, one of the oldest carnivorous dinosaurs ever found in Antarctica, attracts attention with its strange crests resembling a Spanish comb on its head.

This species, whose name means “frozen-crested lizard” with its habitat and the bundle of feathers on its nose, was about 6.5 meters long and weighed around 465 kilograms. It had a long, narrow skull and was one of the hill hunters of the Jurassic period.

The peculiar snout crest of this dinosaur, which was found to have lived approximately 199.3 to 182.7 million years ago, is thought to have been used to observe and interpret reproductive messages from other members of the species.

“Incisivosaurus”, named after its rodent-like front teeth and having a bird-like appearance.

The first known complete tooth structure among a group of feathered Maniraptoran dinosaurs, this dinosaur was discovered in 2002 in China.

Living in the early Cretaceous 123 million years ago, Incisivosaurus was one of the species that clearly demonstrates the close relationship between dinosaurs and modern birds. With its large beak, vestigial small wings and feathered body, it almost resembled a bird.

“Giraffatitan” is a dinosaur with a giraffe-like body structure and a very long neck compared to other parts of its body.

This species, which lived 150 million years ago in the Jurassic Period, was one of the largest creatures on earth. Estimated to be 26 meters long and weigh between 15 and 78 tons, the dinosaur had a very small brain for its size.

It had a high-crested skull and a distinctive short snout. It was herbivorous and had such a tall neck that it could reach the greenery of a five-story building.

“Linhenykus” with a peculiar appearance, with a single claw on its tiny forelimbs.

Linhenykus, another dinosaur species recently discovered in China, was only 60 cm tall and 500 g in weight, and was considerably smaller than other dinosaur species.

It also had a long tail with long, agile limbs, making it similar to other feathered, bird-like dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous period. It was also known as the “Monodactylus” or “single claw” because it had a single claw on each front foot.

Although the information about dinosaurs, which has various sizes and unusual features, seems to be sufficient; Issues such as how these creatures lived, how they diversified and why they went extinct are still being discussed and researched today.

Sources: New Dinosaurs, Brain Berries, Science Focus, Street Directory, Ungo, Listverse

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