Developed a waterless method for cleaning solar panels

Solar panels need to be kept clean at all times, but because the water used during cleaning is wasted, the researchers developed a waterless cleaning method.
 Developed a waterless method for cleaning solar panels
READING NOW Developed a waterless method for cleaning solar panels

Although generating energy with solar panels is beneficial in many ways, cleaning these panels is always a challenge. A new method developed in response to this situation focuses on the cleaning of solar panels both without water and without contact.

Cleaning the waterless solar panel

In order to take full advantage of solar energy, the fact that solar panels are located in areas where transportation cannot be provided continuously, such as desert regions, makes regular cleaning of these panels difficult in order not to decrease the efficiency. There are also problems such as wasting water used for cleaning and damaging the panels in dry cleaning.

With solar energy expected to reach 10% levels in global electricity generation by 2030, the cleaning problem is becoming a more important issue.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have developed a new system using electrostatic repulsion that allows dust particles to be separated from the panel surface without the need for water or brushes.

In the developed system, a simple electrode is passed just above the surface of the solar panel, giving an electric charge to the dust particles, which are then repelled by a charge applied to the panel itself. The system requires a simple electric motor and guide rails on the side of the panel to operate.

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Uncleaned panels lose 30% efficiency in a period of one month, and the current water cleaning methods make up approximately 10% of the operating costs. and provides better results in terms of convenience.

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