Details You Missed in the New Spider-Man Trailer

The new trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home was released tonight. With the new trailer, many theories have emerged about the movie, which is one of the most anticipated productions, and some theories have been confirmed. In this trailer, we explain in detail some details that you may have overlooked.
 Details You Missed in the New Spider-Man Trailer
READING NOW Details You Missed in the New Spider-Man Trailer

The day we’ve been waiting for for weeks has come, and Marvel and Sony have released the new trailer for Sipder-Man: No Way Home, which will finally be released on December 17th. Although the new trailer of the movie, where we expect the multiverse theory that will bring together the bad characters and all Spider-Mans, supported the ‘evil’ side of this theory, Marvel and Sony did not want to show the three Spider-Man together.

But the absence of three Spider-Mans in the last trailer does not mean that there is no such possibility. While even Andrew Garfield, Peter Parker of The Amazing Spider-Man series, said, ‘We’ll see’ by breaking the ‘There is absolutely no such thing’ statements about this issue for months, some clues in the new trailer now confirm this theory. Let’s take a look at all the details you may have missed in the latest trailer of Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Details that may have been overlooked in the Spider-Man No Way Home trailer:

Spider-Man costume in gold color:

What we came across in the first seconds of the trailer was the Spider-Man costume, which was dressed in black and gold colors and looked extremely gorgeous when Tom Holland’s Peter Parker was fighting Electro. In the following seconds, we see that the same costume has been developed and some of Doctor Strange’s abilities are loaded into this costume. Let’s not pass without seeing Electro in the background during this scene.

Doc Ock’s arms mysteriously turning red:

In the new trailer, we see more details from Doc Ock’s and Spider-Man’s battle on the bridge. In pursuit of the Peter Parker he knows, Doc Ock finally catches Holland’s Parker. When the mask comes down, he sees that the person under it is not the Parker he knows and says, “You are not Peter Parker.” The fact that the robot arms are red in this scene is a detail that should not be overlooked. What happened in that war?

Then, towards the end of the trailer, we seem to get the answer in a new scene. While Doc Ock is catching and raising Spider-Man into the air, a different scene is passed and we see that the arms take a new shape in this scene. It’s probably Peter Parker’s costume that provides that here. Doc Ock also looks quite surprised in this scene.

An homage to Captain America, where the final battle took place:

In the trailer, when the city of New York City is seen from afar, it is seen that the Statue of Liberty was removed and a structure was erected to pay homage to Captain America. There is a large shield on the building. The last battle takes place on this building, which is still under construction, and the shield is overturned, destroying the construction scaffolds.

Hello again J. Jonah Jameson:

We were finally able to see journalist J. Jonah Jameson, the head of The Daily Bugle, who did not stop what he did against Spider-Man in the first Spider-Man series.

Electro returns to its comic roots:

Electro, who we see in The Amazing Spider-Man series, will not lose his human form in this movie and will use his powers by wearing a special outfit.

Doc Ock vs Electro face off:

In the previous scenes of the trailer, Peter Parker and his friends meet Doc Ock, and in the next scenes, Doc Ock tells Spidey, “You are going into the dark. To fight ghosts. ‘ we hear you say. Which means Doc Ock gets along well with Tom Holland’s Parker. In the next scenes, we see the image above. Doc Ock falls down due to Electro’s attack. Let’s remember that Electro also fought against Spider-Man with Green Goblin and Sandman.

We clearly saw Willem Defoe’s Green Goblin:

Towards the end of the trailer, we clearly saw Willem Defoe’s Green Goblin, whose bomb we saw in the first trailer.

His friends remember the identity of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man:

We know that after Parker’s identity was revealed to Strange, he went in search of a solution to make everyone forget about it. But throughout the trailer, we see that Parker’s girlfriend MJ and Jacob are with Parker. Which means they haven’t forgotten about Parker.

All 5 members of ‘Sinister Six’ are here, so where is the 6th member?

Sinister Six, Marvel’s villain gang formed against Spider-Man, stands before us with its 5 members in this movie, although not with its original cast: Doc Ock, Sandman, Electro, Green Goblin and Lizard. The sixth member of the new Sinister Six gang was not shown in the trailer. But there is a very important tip about it:

In the scene after the credits of the movie Venom: Let There Be Carnage, which was released at the beginning of October, we saw that Venom had an interesting moment, and there were effects as if he was going to a different universe. Then we saw J. Jonah Jameson knocking Tom Holland’s Parker down again. Venom was also licking the screen, recognizing Parker. In the trailer, we could not see any trace of Venom.

Let’s come to the 3 Spider-Man issue:

In the new trailer, one scene in particular showed that the three Spider-Mans were actually in the movie and even in the scene in question. In that scene where Holland’s Parker opposes the Sandman, the Green Goblin, and the Lizard and they all jump at each other, all three villains were seen acting as if they were focusing on different people. In particular, at one point in the scene, Lizard looked like he had been punched in the face.

The structure of this scene we see is compatible with some images that were claimed to be from the set before. In those footage, we saw Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man clinging to a construction pole, and all three Spider-Mans were on top of a building with a sea view and a construction pole on the sides. Well, Marvel, show it and let it go, you and we get rid of it too.

  • Same place.

So what will we see in the movie in terms of story?

In the previous trailer, we saw that when the identity of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man was revealed, they went to Doctor Strange and cast a spell to correct the situation. But this spell backfired, causing the universes to merge and the characters to be transported to this universe. In the new trailer, we hear Strange tell Parker that the villains all died fighting Spider-Man, that it was their destiny.

In this scene, Parker probably doesn’t want these people to die, but he is probably asking if there is a way to prevent them from dying. Strange said to Parker, “Sorry kid. ‘ and right after Parker says, ‘I’m sorry too. ‘ he says, stealing something from Strange. In the next scene, we see Strange stopping Parker. In the next scene, on the train scene in the first trailer, Parker says, ‘There has to be another way. ‘ and Strange said, ‘Nope. They are a danger to our universe. ‘ we hear you say.

According to these conversations, Parker does not want to cause the death of the villains who came as a result of his mistake with Strange. We also hear you talk to Doc Ock about this issue. In other words, we will see the disagreement between Doctor Strange and Peter Parker in the movie, and that Doc Ock is with Parker. Before the final scenes we saw, Parker said, “It’s all my fault. ‘I’ cannot save everyone. ” he says, pointing to the Spider-Man trio we think has already been taken off the scene.

At the end of the trailer, we see Strange and Parker on top of the Statue of Liberty after the war (we say after the war because it’s ruined and Parker is bruised). In this scene, Strange says, “They’re starting to come and I can’t stop them. ” says. This could already be a sign for the next movie.

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