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DARPA makes Nikola Tesla’s dream come true: Global wireless energy!

DARPA plans to build wireless energy transmission infrastructure to provide nearly uninterrupted power to US military bases around the world. As reported by Popular Mechanics, the plan is to circulate electricity around the planet.
 DARPA makes Nikola Tesla’s dream come true: Global wireless energy!
READING NOW DARPA makes Nikola Tesla’s dream come true: Global wireless energy!
DARPA plans to build wireless energy transmission infrastructure to provide nearly uninterrupted power to US military bases around the world. As reported by Popular Mechanics, the plan will use laser technology to circulate electricity around the planet.

This technology, called POWER (“Persistent Optical Wireless Energy Relay”), which Nikola Tesla dreamed about more than 100 years ago, and if it succeeds, will allow the US military to rely on liquid fuels such as diesel and sensitive power lines that can be blocked or sabotaged by enemy forces. It will remove the addiction.

Tesla’s dream come true

“First of all, the environment has changed and the need for more durable energy transport methods for military operations is dire,” said Colonel Paul Calhoun, a US military official in an exclusive interview with Popular Mechanics. Because the US military facilities are scattered around the world and the energy needs of these bases are increasing. Meeting the increasing energy needs is not easy in most cases. “On the technology side, significant advances have been made in high-energy lasers, wave-front sensing, adaptive optics, high-altitude electric aerial platforms, interlocks and narrowband-tuned high-efficiency photovoltaics,” says Colonel Calhoun.
Calhoun describes the POWER project as an optical energy beaming program. With the POWER project, DARPA aims to transmit energy through lasers with minimal energy loss in the upper atmosphere. For now, the most important factor that this project has to overcome is to ensure efficiency in energy conversion. DARPA is looking to revolutionize transformation by developing efficient relays. It is aimed to transmit laser energy to US bases through long-lived satellites and drones.

DARPA will demonstrate the theoretical feasibility of the POWER project, as in all its other projects. After the theoretically proven project, it will be transferred to other relevant organizations. In addition, POWER could have serious commercial benefits, such as powering hard-to-reach rural areas, research facilities and other areas.

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