Danish scientists produce the world’s smallest record

A Danish physicist once again surprised everyone by producing the world's smallest record.
 Danish scientists produce the world’s smallest record
READING NOW Danish scientists produce the world’s smallest record

The world’s smallest record, on which the Christmas song was recorded, was produced by engraving sound on the polymer layer with the help of the Nanofrazor 3D lithography system.

Physicists at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) recorded a Christmas song on a record using a 3D nanolithography tool called Nanofrazor to achieve the record for the smallest record ever.

“I’ve been doing lithography for 30 years, and even though we’ve had this machine for a while, it still feels like science fiction,” says Peter Böggild, a physicist at DTU. being able to create freeform 3D landscapes at that insane resolution.”

In 2015, the same DTU group revealed a microscopic color image of the Mona Lisa that was about 10,000 times smaller than Leonardo da Vinci’s original painting. They made the painting on a 20 nm thick layer of aluminum with rows and columns. It is possible to obtain different colors by changing the amount of deformation of a column. For example, low-intensity impacts only slightly deform the columns, producing blue and purple hues, while strong impacts significantly deform the columns, producing orange and yellow hues. The resulting image fits in a smaller space than a single pixel on an iPhone Retina display.

What is a nanofrazor?

DTU physics group acquired Nanofrazor to quickly and relatively inexpensively fabricate finely detailed 3D nanostructures. The nanofrazor precisely lifts the material to shape the surface into the desired pattern or shape; it works as a kind of grayscale nanolithography machine.

The first goal is to use Nanofrazor to develop new kinds of magnetic sensors that can detect currents in living brains. Lassaline plans to create “quantum soap bubbles” in this and other atomically thin materials like graphene, in hopes of discovering new ways to precisely manipulate electrons. “The fact that we can now accurately sculpt surfaces with nanoscale precision at almost the speed of our imagination is a game-changer for us,” says DTU physicist Tim Booth. “This machine will significantly speed up the prototyping of new structures.”

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