Daily Life in Space at NASA Space Adventure Exhibition

Even though the first trip to space started 60 years ago, the daily life of astronauts is still among the most curious subjects. NASA Space Adventure exhibition, where the clothes of astronauts and cosmonauts who have witnessed space travel, and the food menus during their space travels can be seen, offers the opportunity to closely examine life in space, starting from November 16 in Metropol Istanbul.
 Daily Life in Space at NASA Space Adventure Exhibition
READING NOW Daily Life in Space at NASA Space Adventure Exhibition

Even though the first trip to space started 60 years ago, the daily life of astronauts is still among the most curious subjects. NASA Space Adventure exhibition, where the clothes of astronauts and cosmonauts who have witnessed space travel, and the food menus during their space travels can be seen, offers the opportunity to closely examine life in space, starting from November 16 in Metropol Istanbul.

Clothing designed to ensure survival

Including a self-contained life-support backpack and a pair of shoes, the Apollo suits were the first suits to allow comfortable movement in space. Space Shuttle, which contains a survival pack and a communication system, is used by astronauts for spacewalks. Developed by Russian spacesuit manufacturer NPP “Zyezda” in 1985, the Orlan Spacesuit is designed to eliminate the heat generated by a person wearing a spacesuit during extravehicular activity. The helmet, in which the microphone and headphones are attached to enable communication, allow the astronauts to communicate with each other. Space and astronaut suits, helmet originals and space stories witnessed by these suits can be seen at the NASA Space Adventure Exhibition starting November 16.

What do astronauts eat in space?

The food of the astronauts is stored in vacuum sealed packages and dry. In this way, water is added when necessary to foods that maintain their freshness for a long time. The menus of astronauts who were fed tasteless foods such as jelly and tube pasta in the 70s were expanded in the 2000s. ALTEC (Italian aviation company), which started operations in 2012, decided to offer a meal in orbit on the occasion of the long-duration Volare mission on the ISS between May-November 2013. In the years following this rich meal, the astronauts’ menus were made more enjoyable.

Displaying original menus, including dishes colored with an Italian touch, as well as snacks such as coffee and cappuccino-filled chocolate, NASA Space Adventure helps visitors picture life in space.

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