Customer Information Requested from Binance and These 5 Exchanges!

The London High Court has requested client information of Binance and these cryptocurrency exchanges. Here are the details...
 Customer Information Requested from Binance and These 5 Exchanges!
READING NOW Customer Information Requested from Binance and These 5 Exchanges!

After the recent events in the cryptocurrency industry, a new court decision has been announced. As a result of the statement, it is stated that the customer information of Binance and 5 crypto exchanges were requested. As, we inform you about the developments on the subject.

Customer information requested from Binance and 5 cryptocurrency exchanges

The London High Court has made a request to Binance and these crypto exchanges, according to a recent court order. It is stated that customer information is requested from crypto money exchanges, including Binance, Coinbase, Luno and Kraken. The court ordered the tracking of $10.7 million stolen from a UK-based exchange in 2020. It is stated that exchanges ask for customer information to help trace the stolen amount.

While the step taken to track the stolen funds was shared, the name of the exchange was not given. After the exchange was hacked in late 2020, the court is tracking down $1.7 million in unjustified gains.
It is reported that $ 1.7 million was distributed to 26 accounts in crypto exchanges as a result of six offshore. Exchanges have to submit documents under the new UK rule, which now applies to foreign companies. In addition, it is not known whether Binance has received a response from other exchanges yet.

Syedur Rahman, representing the stock market, made a statement

Syedur Rahman, partner of the Rahman Ravelli law firm, which represents the UK-based stock exchange, made a statement on the subject. Syedur Rahman especially emphasizes the fraudulent transactions.

The lawsuit is a big step forward for those trying to recover assets that were fraudulently taken and moved across borders. In line with this decision, it will provide an opportunity to trace the value and ownership of the change in Implementation Directive 6B. It is also one of the tangible proofs of the possibilities it offers to anyone facing the task of retrieval.

ActionFraud has announced that in 2022, fraud in the UK has increased by 32 percent compared to the previous year. In the statements made, it was revealed that 273 million dollars were stolen after the fraud. Afterwards, scams related to cryptocurrencies increased sharply this year. The UK government has given the authorities full powers for their investigations linked to criminal activities. However, it was voted to give them broader powers to confiscate cryptocurrencies. It is stated that new steps have been taken to prevent the proliferation of crypto money crimes last week.

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