Cryptocurrency Restriction on NVIDIA Graphics Cards Exceeded

Cryptocurrency Restriction on NVIDIA Graphics Cards Exceeded

Unable to stop cryptocurrency miners. Just when Nvidia was supposed to prevent crypto miners from buying all GPUs by introducing mining limiters on their 30 Series GPUs, another hash rate cracking software appeared. This time, with this software, miners can continue to use their cards with 100% efficiency.

In August, NBMiner had almost eliminated Nvidia’s hash rate limiters. The new software, known as T-Rex, allows Ethereum miners to completely disable hash rate limiters if they mine another cryptocurrency at the same time.

As long as the graphics card has enough VRAM, the full potential of the card can be used.

The Github page states this new software as “as long as your GPU has enough VRAM to hold two DAG/datasets (like 30% ETH and 70% another volume) mining two cryptocurrencies at the same time, this option works for all LHR cards.” allows you to use its potential”.

The page highlights some of the hash rates that miners can achieve when mining different combinations of cryptocurrencies with certain GPUs. For example, when an RTX 3080 Ti working with a T-Rex miner, Ethereum and Ergo are mined simultaneously, hash rates of 35.4 MH/s and 183.3 MH/s can be reached, respectively.

The news of this hash rate cracking software has upset everyone by coming at a time when most people are trying to upgrade their GPUs after a long battle with the shortage and stock problem in silicon used in processor production.