Cryptocurrency Move From Banking Giant Goldman Sachs

The US-based multinational investment bank Goldman Sachs is preparing to take a step towards cryptocurrencies. According to the statements, the giant company will provide Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies services to its customers in asset management groups in the coming months.
 Cryptocurrency Move From Banking Giant Goldman Sachs
READING NOW Cryptocurrency Move From Banking Giant Goldman Sachs

Cryptocurrencies continue to be adopted by many people and companies and receive millions of dollars in investment. The increasing popularity of these digital currencies causes us to come across different news every day. Yesterday, we told you that an 82 billion dollar company made a wild prediction about the leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC).

In addition, many statements came from the USA, which is the place where cryptocurrencies are most discussed. The country’s treasury minister stated that he thinks cryptocurrencies have many benefits. The decree signed by President Joe Biden in the past weeks had a positive impact on the markets. After these statements, Bitcoin had a lush week despite a small drop due to the news of the European Union imposing restrictions on anonymous wallets. Now, there is news from a banking giant that will make investors happy.

Investment bank Goldman Sachs will provide crypto money service

US-based multinational investment bank Goldman Sachs stated that it will make a move towards cryptocurrencies in the near future. According to the reports, the banking giant stated in an interview with CNBC, one of the country’s media outlets, that they will start providing crypto asset services to their customers. In the statements made by the head of digital assets, Mary Catherine Rich, it was noted that the service to customers in asset management groups will include Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and will start in the second quarter of the year.

Stating that they have discovered thoughtful and appropriate ways for private equity clients, Rich stated that they look forward to providing crypto money services. In addition, this move by Goldman Sachs was described as another indication that financial giants are turning to cryptocurrencies. Another US investment bank, Morgan Stanley, also stated in its previous statements that there is a possibility to offer Bitcoin funds.

In short, although there are still many doubts about the negative effects of cryptocurrencies, financial giants, like many people and large companies, are trying to increase their steps towards these technologies. It is expected that moves towards the ‘acceptance’ of such cryptocurrencies will radically change the view towards cryptocurrencies in the future.

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