Critical decision from Nvidia: Stopped all product shipments to Russia

Critical decision from Nvidia: Stopped all product shipments to Russia

Nvidia also participated among the companies that reacted to the tension between Russia and Ukraine. In an interview with PCMag, an Nvidia spokesperson said, “We don’t sell to Russia,” while the company announced on Friday that it has stopped all product sales in Russia.

Restrictions increase

Noting that the suspension of sales covers all product categories, the company did not share more information on the subject. However, we can say that the restrictions imposed on Russia by the big US companies, citing the war in Ukraine, are increasing.

Twitter and Facebook reply from Russia: Platforms being shut down

Added 1 day ago

, describing the invasion as “illegal” on Friday, Microsoft announced it would suspend “all new sales” of its products, which include the Windows operating system, Microsoft cloud services and the Xbox console. A day before Microsoft, the major chip makers Intel and AMD announced that they had stopped all chip sales to Russia and Belarus, which were allies of the country in the occupation of Ukraine.

With the restrictions, it seems that it will be very difficult for Russian users to purchase computer parts through official retail channels.

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