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Crazy Questions in My Mind #3: What Would Happen If Oxygen Was Disappeared For 5 Seconds

Have you ever tried how long you can hold your breath before? A minute? 45 seconds? Let's consider the worst case scenario: you could hold your breath for 5 seconds, so you could be without oxygen, right? So, can the world achieve this?
 Crazy Questions in My Mind #3: What Would Happen If Oxygen Was Disappeared For 5 Seconds
READING NOW Crazy Questions in My Mind #3: What Would Happen If Oxygen Was Disappeared For 5 Seconds

We know that although we can be without oxygen for a certain period of time, we cannot live without it. So, is oxygen only in the air we breathe? What would be the consequences if the Earth were deprived of oxygen for only five seconds? Do we underestimate oxygen when we say ‘oxygen’?

Let’s not waste any more time. Take a deep breath while you still can, because the answers to these dystopian questions can take your breath away.

Holding your breath? That job is easy:

Let’s try this right now. Take a deep breath. . . Wait, let’s make it harder. Let’s say you were caught unprepared for such a situation. Remember, suddenly there will be an oxygen-free Earth for 5 seconds. It is a matter of luck to be caught in such a situation when your lungs are full of oxygen. Try holding your breath by emptying your lungs. . .

It’s not that hard, is it?

Five seconds is too short a time, so whether you breathe in or out, you can get out of it without any problem.

You can do it, but there is so much on earth to survive these 5 seconds with serious damage.

Oxygen doesn’t just affect the air and the breath we take:

According to NASA data, 21 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere consists of oxygen. So more than 1/5th of the atmosphere is oxygen.

In addition to all these, oxygen does much more than give us “life”.

Let alone five seconds, if even one second disappears, serious problems await us. Let’s start slowly…

Goodbye to the lights, hello to the darkness:

Light from the sun is scattered through particles in the air. If we’re talking about removing 21% of the atmosphere, we’re talking about reducing the number of particles by one-fifth. For this reason, the air becomes relatively dark.

We don’t think there is any problem so far. In the end, whether the weather is bright or not will not be a vital situation for you. At this time, all the planes in the sky begin to “dump” towards the ground, because their engines stall.

No oxygen, no fire:

As many of us know, oxygen is required for fire to occur. In addition, all gasoline vehicles work by burning gasoline. If there is no oxygen, there is no combustion activity.

Sorry, we’re just getting started.

Concrete, metal, all the buildings around you are starting to collapse:

Oxygen not only provides us with air to breathe, but also acts as a binding material for concrete structures. For this reason, without oxygen, concrete structures will not exist.

Can you imagine the tremendous sound of all the buildings around you falling to the ground?

We have good news and bad news: The good news is that you won’t be as loud as you think. You ask why? So let’s give the bad news:

Your inner ear has already burst, unable to withstand the pressure change:

The atmosphere exerts a certain pressure on our body. Let’s take a much simpler example:

Remember the pressure in your ears when you dive under water? Because the pressure of the water is higher than the air, you feel as if someone is pressing on your ears.

This is because your ear is trying to keep up with the external pressure.

To give more serious examples of this situation, let’s dive a little deeper into the water.

If you go deep all of a sudden, your blood pressure goes up. The reason for this is that the pressure in the water increases as you go deeper. Your body starts to show certain changes to balance the pressure and as a result it reacts differently.

Even though this happens very quickly, you experience what is called ‘highlight meal’ in the water.

Let’s talk about what will happen to your ears if we have clarified the issue of balance a little more.

You’ll feel like you just stepped out of thousands of meters of water in an instant!

Since there will be a one-fifth change in atmospheric pressure, your inner ear will not be able to handle this sudden change and will explode.

In other words, your eardrum will expand outward rapidly as the external pressure decreases.

So you will lose your hearing ability.

Not finished. . .

Yes, you heard right. Although you couldn’t hear because your eardrum had ruptured, but still…

Since the beginning of our article, we have considered oxygen as a gas. So what was the formula for water?

One third of the component we call H2O consists of oxygen. This means that if there is no oxygen, there is no water. In other words, all the water on Earth turns into free-floating hydrogen atoms only when the oxygen is gone.

Since hydrogen is the lightest gas, it reaches the upper layers of the troposphere.

Since living things have oxygen atoms, they will unfortunately expand and explode rapidly when they suddenly disappear. So after hearing loss, a painful end awaits you.

Assuming you live beyond this stage. . .

. . . You will see that the earth’s crust suddenly begins to break:

Did we mention that 45% of the earth’s crust is made up of oxygen?

When the earth’s oxygen is gone, everything on the surface will go into free fall towards magma, as the earth’s crust will shatter.

5 seconds is quite a long time in the absence of oxygen. Even if the oxygen comes back after this time, the Earth will not be the same place as before.

Now stop holding your breath, go outside and enjoy plenty of oxygen while spring is here.

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