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Crazy claim about black holes: Are aliens using black holes for data storage?

Some scientists claim that aliens may be creating black holes to use as quantum storage.
 Crazy claim about black holes: Are aliens using black holes for data storage?
READING NOW Crazy claim about black holes: Are aliens using black holes for data storage?

A new paper proposes an idea that we can safely say is crazy: Scientists claim that aliens may be creating black holes to use as quantum storage.

As crazy as it may sound, some scientists say it could be a solution to the Fermi Paradox. The Fermi Paradox questions why, if life is prevalent in our universe, why haven’t we found evidence of it beyond Earth, and we can say that almost none of its conclusions are good for us.

This paradox has caused a lot of ripples in the scientific community, especially in parts of the scientific community who believe that alien life awaits discovery. The new paper, submitted by a team of German and Georgian scientists, who says we may be looking in the wrong direction in our search for alien life, has yet to be peer-reviewed.

Currently, we use radio signals to look for signs of life in the universe. But instead, these researchers suggest that we should approach black holes as if alien civilizations had created them as giant quantum computers to store data. Therefore, they say, we should look for techno-signals emanating from megastructures such as pulsars, white dwarf stars and black holes.

The idea that black holes can act as unlimited sources of energy dates back to the 1980s, when astrophysicist Roger Penrose made the first suggestion. While it seems unlikely, the researchers actually agree that tiny, artificially created black holes could act as capacitors for quantum information. So it’s possible that alien-made black holes would behave the same way.

According to the researchers, all we need to do to prove the theory is a possibility is to find evidence of techno-signals inside a black hole. Also, we already have the technology to do so, as researchers claim the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica has the ability to detect techno-signals in black holes. So we can confirm that aliens are using black holes to store data.

Of course, this idea is just one of the potential paths we can follow in our search for extraterrestrial life. While it may seem like a crazy idea for aliens to create black holes and store quantum data inside them, at least it’s a new way for astronomers and astrophysicists to add to their investigations.

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