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Cities Most Interested in Squid Game in Turkey Announced

There are only aborigines left who haven't heard of Netflix's series Squid Game, and African tribes… After the movie Parasite, Ardahan showed the greatest interest in the production, which once again increased the love of South Korea on the whole planet.
 Cities Most Interested in Squid Game in Turkey Announced
READING NOW Cities Most Interested in Squid Game in Turkey Announced

Squid Game’s simple messages with children’s games have tried to give hundreds of movies and series before, but it was not as effective. The producers, who knew what the audience wanted, this time used the prevalence of Netflix, which we say “I wish Turkish series were like this”. The result was exactly as desired, especially in countries with a high socio-economic agenda.

The Trends tool, which provides statistics on any common search form on Google, also provides us with information about Squid Game. We can see which cities are more concentrated in those who hear the series and search it on Google. We can learn the cities where Squid Game is most popular or most interesting according to the 0-100 scoring scale, which Google describes as “interest”.

Cities most interested in the Netflix series Squid Game:

  1. Ardahan: 100 (full points)
  2. Gumushane: 89
  3. Bartin: 89
  4. Şırnak: 89
  5. Kütahya: 88
  6. Cankiri: 87
  7. Isparta: 87
  8. Edirne: 80
  9. Kırıkkale: 79
  10. Trabzon: 77
  11. Karaman: 76
  12. Giresun: 75
  13. Bilecik: 75
  14. Çorum: 75
  15. Sinop: 75
  16. Duzce: 75
  17. Yalova: 74
  18. Opium: 72
  19. Rize: 72
  20. Bolu: 72
  21. Uşak 72
  22. Manisa: 71
  23. Denizli: 71
  24. Sakarya: 70
  25. Erzurum: 69

Seeing the name of the city from every region of Turkey in the top 25 proves how we have adapted to popular culture despite the intense agenda (Whether this is an escape from the agenda in question is a subject of another content).

Among the three metropolitan cities, Istanbul is at the top with 66 points, İzmir is in the second place with 62 points and Ankara is in the third place with 57 points. We do not see such a high rate of interest as we expected in cities with high populations and intense daily hustle and bustle. Of course, we do not have data on this subject, but it is possible to say that the interest in metropolitan cities has shifted to content types and platforms that require less focus while consuming.

The least interested cities are as follows:

  1. Iğdır: 8
  2. Kilis: 16
  3. Pain: 22
  4. Mus: 33
  5. Bingol: 33
  6. Hakkari: 35
  7. Bitlis: 38
  8. Canakkale: 38
  9. Mugla: 42
  10. Van: 44

So what is the situation all over the world? The countries that show the most interest in Squid Game are as follows:

  1. Philippines: 100 (full points)
  2. Singapore: 96
  3. Mongolia: 93
  4. Azerbaijan: 75
  5. Myanmar: 72
  6. Malaysia: 64
  7. Georgia: 64
  8. Morocco: 52
  9. Indonesia: 46
  10. Serbia: 44
  11. Turkey: 43
  12. Vietnam: 42
  13. Australia: 42
  14. Bulgaria: 40
  15. New Zealand: 39
  16. Lebanon: 39
  17. Tunisia: 38
  18. Bosnia-Everyone: 38
  19. Cambodia: 38
  20. Algeria: 38

Important: There are hardly any Western or European countries in the top 20 of the most interested countries. Canada and England are in 26th and 27th places with 31 points each, while the USA is in 29th place with 28 points.

HoYeon Jung was the most searched name with the drama. Of course, you know him more as number 067 or Kang Sae-byeok:

On the other hand, it is not a coincidence that model HoYeon Jung’s name is among the most searched topics with the drama. He had approached 20 million followers on Instagram in a short time with his character and story that is far from the exaggerated acting that we are used to seeing in South Korean TV series and movies.

If you think you haven’t had enough exposure to Squid Game, check out our content below:

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