Chronic Smartphone Problems We Can’t Forget

We remember many phones we've encountered over the years, good or bad, with the performance they offer. But there are such models in between that although their performance is good, we remember them mostly with the chronic problems they bring. In this content, we have compiled the phone models that are engraved in our minds with their chronic problems.
 Chronic Smartphone Problems We Can’t Forget
READING NOW Chronic Smartphone Problems We Can’t Forget

Every year, major phone manufacturers bring smart phones, which they have equipped with new features made possible by developing technology, to consumers. However, we have seen that these devices, which are introduced with events held at certain times, come with common problems seen in all models, which we call chronic problems from time to time.

These various problems, such as heating problems, lines/yellowing on the screen, swelling of the battery, went up to the explosion of the devices where they stopped. In this content, we have compiled the chronically problematic smartphones that we have encountered over the years and that are almost engraved in our minds.

Chronic problems of Apple models

Yellow screen problem seen even in iPhone 12 models

Yellow screen problem encountered in Apple’s brand devices, the latest It is a situation that is frequently complained about even in models. This problem was faced by roughly the screen having a yellowish hue.

The yellowish color of a screen that should have been white also caused many users to complain. We can say that this problem started to be known with the iPhone 4 family on the Apple side and became widespread in the iPhone 6s and came to the iPhone 12s.

Sound problems that greeted us with the iPhone 7 family

This problem, which was seen in iPhone 7 and SE models, was encountered when there was a problem with the sound coming from the handset. This design problem was largely eliminated by cleaning the dust accumulated in the handset.

Bending problem seen in iPhone 6 Plus models

Some lied, others left the brand they have been using for years as a victim because of this problem. The aforementioned problem came to the fore when the part with the volume button on the iPhone 6 Plus models showed a resistance against bending below expectations.

If the phone was in your back pocket while sitting, you could see a sad sight when you got up. This situation caused Apple to remain a mockery for a while.

The slowdown problem of iPhones that cost Apple a lot, although it has been largely fixed recently

Apple has been dealing with discussions about the deliberate slowdown of iPhone models in the intervening time. had come to the fore. He later agreed to this and had to pay a sizable amount of fines. Fortunately, nowadays we do not see this problem as severe as before.

Home button problems with iPhone 4 models

iPhone 4/4S users were complaining that the home button was pressed or not detected. In this context, the Assistive Touch feature was constantly activated, causing users to spend nervous minutes.

In a move to increase the screen-to-body ratio, we saw the removal of the home button on all devices following the iPhone X.

Chronic problems of Samsung models

Exploding phone: Galaxy Note 7

This problem, which we can describe as a black mark of Samsung in the company’s history, It was a literal explosion of the Galaxy Note 7s, which launched as a flagship. Due to this problem caused by the battery, the devices were recalled.

But some users did not return their devices and put them on second hand sales sites in a very creative way.

Problems caused by screen films on Samsung Edge models:

The sideways curved screen design we see in Samsung’s models such as Galaxy Note Edge and S7 Edge, He didn’t get on very well with his guardians.

When these phones, which were marketed with curved parts, were damaged, it was the subject of much discussion at the time that they were interpreted as user error. Now we hardly see this design.

The problem of leaving marks on the screen, which became common with the Galaxy S3 but frequently encountered in other AMOLED screen devices of the period

it caused a burn mark that was noticed on the plans. This scene, which looked like a sunburn, caused many users to spend nervous hours.

Pink line problem seen in Galaxy S7 Edge models:

Galaxy S7 Edge model, which was one of the models that made a lot of noise in Samsung’s period, has a pink line extending from one end to the other on the screen. came to the fore with the existence of a line. This line, which also shows itself in the always-on display mode, dealt a solid blow to the model, which was praised for its display quality.

The legendary Nokia 5800 was the first touch phone of a generation. However, it had received complaints because it was more ‘basmatic’ than touch

The touch of this device, which has an important place in the history of smartphones, often drove users crazy. The device, which had detection problems, was known for being more touch-sensitive and was frequently taken to the service with cracked screens.

Unforgettable chronic problems seen in LG models

This is the last motherboard: LG G3 and G4’s famous problems:

LG G3 model It has an unforgettable place in the smartphone world. “What can they add to it?” While we were thinking, the G4, on the other hand, impressed us especially with its camera and live screen.

While everything was going well, the motherboards started not to withstand these devices, and when we encountered heating problems, the devices got tired of them.

Ghost screen problem, which we can say peaked with LG G5 even though it appears on different devices:

This problem was causing the entire screen to leave a trace. Let’s exemplify this problem seen in models such as LG G4 and G5 as follows:

You entered WhatsApp and talked to your friend, then returned to the home screen of the phone. At this point, you see that the image on WhatsApp is somehow processed on the screen and is deleted over time. When you switch to a different screen, the same problem appears again.

Charging socket problem seen in General Mobile Discovery models:

General Mobile Discovery, one of the most preferred models in our country as a device with a high price/performance ratio, was collecting complaints from users. The reason for this was that the charging socket broke off and disconnected from the motherboard.

For this reason, many users had to take the phone for repair.

We can’t say that chronic problems were often manifested on every device without exception. They were counted as a chronic problem when it manifested itself in most of the mostly produced devices. If there are problems on our list that make you angry, you can specify them or if you want to add, you can share the chronic problems you have experienced with different devices in the comment section.

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