Chinese Giant Agreed With This Altcoin! Price Jumped!

China Telecom, the second largest telecommunications company in China, has partnered with this altcoin project! Here are the details...
 Chinese Giant Agreed With This Altcoin!  Price Jumped!
READING NOW Chinese Giant Agreed With This Altcoin! Price Jumped!

New altcoin partnerships in the cryptocurrency market attract the attention of many investors. Finally, Chinese telecommunications giant company China Telecom has announced that it has partnered with the popular altcoin Conflux (CFX)! After the partnership, the price level exploded! Here are the details…

China Telecom and popular altcoin Conflux have partnered!

As, as we have mentioned before, the partnerships of altcoin projects with large companies have a great impact on the market and price level. Especially the recent partnerships attract the attention of many investors. Chinese technology giant and telecommunications company China Telecom introduced the blockchain-based SIM card BSIM on May 16, in collaboration with Conflux Network, as part of the collaboration. With this partnership, the cryptocurrency market saw a price increase of over 15 percent in the price of Conflux (CFX).

In this partnership of China Telecom and Conflux Network, it is reported that the card, which was launched as the world’s first blockchain-based SIM card, has much more security stages and much more storage space than other SIM cards. Along with these integrations, many investors and users are closely examining the partnership. The transferred data reveals that the card is able to generate its own private and public keys. In addition, it is reported that it also has a digital signature that does not allow private keys to go out of the card. Users seem excited for the partnership project, which has many hardware security advantages among the details conveyed during the launch.

Conflux co-founder Wu Ming made statements about the partnership!

Wu Ming, co-founder of the popular altcoin Conflux, made statements on the subject, while many investors showed their interest in the projects with the new partnerships in the crypto money market. Ming stated that as a result of the partnership with China Telecom, all mobile service users can access the metaverse and Web3 ecosystems with minimal technical barriers. On the other hand, Ming, who made the first souvenir NFT transfer with this new partnership, sent to China Telecom BSIM account via Conflux BSIM. With this posting, the first transaction on the blockchain took place. On the subject, Ming quotes the following words:

From now on, all mobile communication users can achieve a more secure digital identity through mobile terminals and access Web3 and the metaverse with minimal technical barriers. Blockchain technology has gone beyond its reputation as a complex and inaccessible concept to become a truly practical infrastructure for applications and people’s daily lives in the global economy.

Li Anmin, Deputy Dean of the China Telecom Group Research Institute, gave the following words about the partnership:

We are committed to working with Conflux Network to develop and promote practical communication solutions tailored to meet real user needs. The BSIM card is only a first step as we collaborate to explore various application scenarios and complementary products that are possible thanks to the innovative integration of blockchain technology with modern communication developments.

On the other hand, Conflux (CFX), which has lost 16.9% in value in the last 30 days according to CoinMarketCap data, is instantly traded at $ 0.309.

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