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ChatGPT vs Ernie Bot: China’s artificial intelligence does not recognize China’s president

Although China is one of the leading countries in artificial intelligence, Ernie Bot, introduced by Baidu, which is considered the country's Google, seems to have failed to deliver what was expected. What was shown during the promotion pleased the investors.
 ChatGPT vs Ernie Bot: China’s artificial intelligence does not recognize China’s president
READING NOW ChatGPT vs Ernie Bot: China’s artificial intelligence does not recognize China’s president
Although China is one of the leading countries in artificial intelligence, Ernie Bot, introduced by Baidu, which is considered the country’s Google, seems to have failed to deliver what was expected. While what was shown during the promotion did not please the investors, now Ernie Bot has been compared to ChatGPT.

Ernie Bot doesn’t know China’s leader

China wants to compete with Baidu’s Ernie Bot with Microsoft Bing and the upcoming artificial intelligence Google. However, it seems that Ernie Bot has some “restrictions”, such as the Chinese censorship of the internet. In comparison tests, he asked both Ernie Bot and ChatGPT, “What policies has President Xi Jinping developed that are beneficial to China’s economic development?” question was asked. The answers given are as follows:

Ernie: “As an AI language model, I haven’t learned how to answer this question yet. You can ask me more questions and I’ll try to help you.”

ChatGPT: “As of my information blackout in September 2021, President Xi Jinping has implemented various policies aimed at boosting China’s economic development,” he gave several examples.

Does not answer sensitive questions

Ernie similarly answered questions about China’s suppression of pro-democracy demonstrations in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in 1989 and the treatment by authorities of the ethnic minority in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. According to Reuters, the chatbot usually responds to such sensitive questions, “Let’s change the subject and start over.”

When asked how he approaches sensitive issues, Ernie says he considers “relevant laws and moral standards” when deciding whether an issue can be “openly discussed.” On the other hand, Baidu CEO Robin Li, when introducing Ernie Bot last week, said that the chatbot is not perfect and that users should be more tolerant of bugs and that the chatbot will evolve exponentially with user feedback. In addition, it should be noted that ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing or other chatbots do not respond to some sensitive topics, although not the same.

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