This special breakfast made by astronauts before being sent to space has turned into a health -independent tradition. Well, what is this tradition?
This special breakfast made by astronauts before being sent to space has turned into a health -independent tradition. Well, what is this tradition?
A photo taken by the mysterious spacecraft X-37B used by the US Space Forces was shared. In this photo, the world is seen from far away.
In the near future, a mysterious speed of radio explosion from a meyyit galaxy, which was a billions of light years, was detected. This sizzling sound was surprised by the fact that this sound came from a meyyit galaxy while amazing the world of science.
The second largest planet of the Solar System, Saturn’s rings, which dazzled with its glory, disappear rapidly. What is the secret of these rings that have become invisible from the Earth, especially in 29 years?
Elon Musk suddenly shared that the International Space Station should be destroyed quickly. The station was planned to be reduced in 2030.
NASA increased the possibility of 2024 YR24 to hit 2032 world from 2.6 %to 3.1 %. This enabled him to record as an asteroid, which is the highest impact in history.
NASA announced his new robot, which he called “Grace” at an activity he recently organized. The robot, which will be sent into space on February 26, will make a landing on the Moon and will do research to jump.
This new other, which attracts attention with its unique atmosphere, has surprised many researchers with its features.
You must have noticed that all of the objects in space have a round. We never come across a square or edged object. Could this be a special reason for this situation?
Zelzele, who is likely to scare us all, brings questions to mind whether there can be zelzele in a place outside the world while taking place on Earth.