Canadian Truckers Raised $700,000 in Bitcoin Donation

Canadian truckers protesting coronavirus restrictions raised nearly $700,000 after they started fundraising with Bitcoin. You can follow us on our Twitter and Telegram channel to be instantly informed about the last minute developments.
 Canadian Truckers Raised $700,000 in Bitcoin Donation
READING NOW Canadian Truckers Raised $700,000 in Bitcoin Donation

Canadian truckers protesting coronavirus restrictions raised nearly $700,000 after they started fundraising with Bitcoin.

You can follow us on our Twitter and Telegram channel to be instantly informed about the last minute developments.

Canadian truckers raised 16 Bitcoin donations, which corresponds to approximately $700,000. As we reported earlier, after donations were restricted on GoFundMe, a fundraising site, protesters started collecting donations with Bitcoin.

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk also supported the campaign in question. In his tweet, Musk stated that he is a supporter of the vaccine, but also against the coercion on this issue. This tweet of Musk received hundreds of interactions within minutes.

The protest began after a nationwide vaccination requirement was imposed on truckers re-entering Canada from the United States. The protest, then called “Liberty Convoy”, evolved to oppose all coronavirus health restrictions, sparking similar protests across Canada.

Among the donors was Jesse Powell, CEO of Kraken exchange. Powell, who sent 1 BTC, wrote in his note, “Fix the money, fix the world. Buffaloes are immoral. “Stop the madness,” he said.

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