Can Consciousness Remain Open for Hours After the Heart Has Stopped?

Can Consciousness Remain Open for Hours After the Heart Has Stopped?

It is researched what happens in our brain at the time of death and that people remember the past at the time of death; In other words, we have conveyed to you that the phrase ‘my life flashed before my eyes like a film strip’ turned out to be somewhat true. So, how long does our brain stay in working condition after our heart stops? Can even people with their heads cut off remain conscious for a while?

Neuroscience professor Guillaume Thierry, who sought answers to these questions, published a study in which he shared his thoughts on how long it might take to lose consciousness before he dies completely. Thierry, who stated that his interest in these issues increased when he learned about the use of the guillotine in the French Revolution at the age of 15, examined this situation in an article he wrote for The Conversation website.

How long does our consciousness stay open?

According to Thierry, who works at Bangor University in Wales, what is currently known is that brain death occurs approximately six minutes after cardiac arrest, thus causing us to sense our presence. ‘consciousness’ is lost. But the famous neuroscientist wants to know if this situation lasts longer.

Emphasizing the people who said that the lives of people who had near-death experiences passed before their eyes, Thierry cited as an example the brain waves obtained in the research in the news we mentioned at the beginning of the article, which show that the past is remembered. However, this research does not completely answer the question; because it is emphasized that only 15 minutes of brain activity is examined.

This does not show exactly how long it takes for basic neural activity to disappear after oxygen to the brain is cut off. Stating that the brain activities of the mice completely stopped about forty seconds after they lost consciousness, Thierry says that this situation may be different in humans. According to the famous scientist, people have six, seven; it can even be brought back to life after ten minutes; theoretically, it could take hours for their brains to shut down completely.

Finally, Thierry, who offers a different perspective on the passing of life before the eyes, says that while our time is running out, our basic impulses may cause it to understand our own existence and find an answer. In addition, the researcher, emphasizing the need to increase the number of studies on the subject, thinks that the findings that can be obtained can support the idea that brain activities continue for a longer time. According to Thierry, these results may reveal that even a person whose head is severed can remain conscious for a while.