Cambrigde Analytica scandal haunts Facebook

The Australian Information Commissioner's Office (OAIC) ​​has rejected Facebook's appeal for a lawsuit over the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
 Cambrigde Analytica scandal haunts Facebook
READING NOW Cambrigde Analytica scandal haunts Facebook

Facebook continues to stand trial for the Cambrigde Analytica scandal that emerged in 2018. The Australian Federal Court dismissed Facebook’s appeal that it did not collect personal information in Australia.

The Cambridge Analytica scandal has been widely covered in the media since 2018 due to data collected to create a political profile for Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory and the Brexit campaign. Meta, who has been sentenced in many countries, has not escaped the Australian courts.

Australia to fine Facebook for Cambridge Analytica

Meta announced that it does not conduct commercial activities in Australia. The company, which was on trial for the Cambridge Analytica scandal, filed an appeal to have the case settled in its favour.

Australian privacy laws require a legal entity to sue in situations similar to the Cambridge Analitica scandal. Meta, business activity and personal data in the appeal

A new decision has been announced for the lawsuit filed by the Australian Information Commission Office (OAIC). OAIC announced that it has been working on Facebook for two years and that the litigation process will continue.

The court board announced that Meta’s installation of cookies on the physical devices of Australian users is against the law of doing business and collecting personal information. Judge Nye Perram said, “We have the unanimous support of the Federal Court. Although Meta announced that it does not operate in Australia, it does not change the fact that users in our country can access their devices.” used the expressions. Facebook will continue to be prosecuted for sharing the information of more than 300,000 Australian users.

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