Businesses Can Be Sued For Facebook Crashing

Attorney Kürşat Ergün, President of the IT Law Association, spoke with Facebook about the interruption in services connected to Facebook. Ergun; He said that people who make money on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram can sue for the loss of income they suffer.
 Businesses Can Be Sued For Facebook Crashing
READING NOW Businesses Can Be Sued For Facebook Crashing

Internet users around the world have not yet overcome the effect of the problem that has been experienced in the past days and that prevents access to Facebook and its services for hours. The users, who lasted about 6 hours and could not access any system in this process, later returned to their old order, but there is a section that suffers from the wounds caused by the problems experienced. This segment is people who make money by doing business on WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram.

With the collapse of WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook, these platforms could not be used by anyone. As such, people doing business on these platforms lost their income for 6 hours. Attorney Kürşat Ergün, President of the Informatics Law Association, made a statement on the subject and made a remarkable statement. Ergün said that the people or institutions affected by the interruption can file a lawsuit.

Forced companies to appoint representatives worked

According to the statements made by Kürşat Ergün, the appointment of Turkish representatives of the companies with the Social Media law brought by the government enabled them to find interlocutors in our country. Stating that it is much easier to file a lawsuit against the company in this way, Ergün emphasized that the proceedings will be carried out by the local courts. Stating that a similar situation is experienced in many countries, the lawyer said that Facebook has been sentenced to compensation many times.

The statement of Attorney Kürşat Ergün, President of the IT Law Association, on the subject is as follows:

In this case, the question of how to compensate for this loss of income comes to mind. With the latest amendment made in the Law No. 5651, in which the basic regulations regarding the Internet are made, foreign social network providers with daily access from Turkey to more than 1 million; it has been made mandatory to designate at least one authorized person as a representative in Turkey and to include the contact information of this person on the website in a way that can be easily seen and directly accessed. Facebook and Instagram also determined the representatives of Turkey. As clearly stated in the law, these representatives are obliged to fulfill the requirements of the notification, notification or requests to be sent by judicial or administrative authorities. Therefore, individuals and institutions claiming to have suffered commercial losses will show Facebook and Instagram companies as parties in the lawsuits they will file; can make the notifications through the representative office during the lawsuit.

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