Books Like Game of Thrones

Are you ready for the list of books that you would love at least as much as House of the Dragon and Rings of Power, or even more if they were serialized?
 Books Like Game of Thrones
READING NOW Books Like Game of Thrones

Not a day goes by that we don’t hear the news of a new fantastic production. The House of the Dragon and Rings of Power series has arrived, but what’s to come! We wanted to give a perspective to the fantastic production craze and race that has emerged in recent days. Disney, Netflix and Amazon; hear us here, look what artifacts there are!

We have prepared a brand new list for you. We wanted to list the wonderful books that you will love as much as “Look, I say at least” House of the Dragon, Rings of Power, Witcher “I don’t know” Game of Thrones if the series comes out. Especially if you are looking for TV series like Game of Thrones, this list is for you, let me wake you up!

Books like Game of Thrones that will enchant you with its story:

Ravenloft Series
Vampire The Masquerade
Cthulhu Series
Dragonlance Series
Forgotten Realms Series

The dark meeting point of the realms: Ravenloft Series

You can read the story of our charismatic or charismatic, psychopath or psychopath vampire named Strahd von Zarovich in Ravenloft, a neat book series of intrigue, sensation, love, betrayal, war, blood bar. The novel series, whose paths cross with the Dragonlance series in several stories, contains both fantastic and gothic elements. If you haven’t read it, it’s still not too late to start.

It will overtake you with its darkness: Vampire the Masquerade

As a matter of fact, VTM is not a clear book series. Vampire the Masquerade, an FRP system produced by Whitewolf, may be the building that best describes that gothic world that clearly corresponds to the word vampire.

The World of Darkness universe, which is home to vampires, werewolves, wizards, hunters, fairies, demons and many supernatural creatures, is so suitable for creating a story that if they make this production for 20 seasons, it will be an adventure for another 20 seasons; I’m talking big. In VTM, you can examine vampires by clan, or at least try to play their games.

By the way, a series was tried years ago, but it did not continue after the first season. I think Netflix can give Vampire the Masquerade a chance.

The series where a story becomes reality: The Cthulhu Series

HP Lovecraft’s legendary Cthulhu series is another. The book written by a person has caused the birth of the Necronomicon sect, think about it.

Whether you adapt the books or make an original series in the Cthulhu universe, it enters the list of the most legendary productions in the world. “Disney, you can have a look here.”

Getting to the bottom of nostalgia: Ultima

If you say “Wow sir, I thought Ultima was just Ultima Online” or something, you are wrong, there is a very gruesome story. You can start reading Ultima, an epic story set in the Sosaria universe, from Technocrat War.

By the way, I don’t know how much Richard Garriott would want the story for Ultima, which includes all kinds of fantastic elements if the series were made. He obviously lives in a castle in England and may not be able to keep up with the gas bill this winter. Footnote: The character of Richard Garriott is Lord British in the book.

Game and book that fascinates people with its story: Warcraft

So now Blizzard’s legendary work actually has a book series. If they start making series, there will be at least 20 seasons of stories before they come to Legion. I’m not exaggerating, if Tyrande and Illidan Stormrage were talking about their love, I would say that “Ask-ı Memnu” was next to it.

In addition to Illidan’s love for Tyrande, should I say Malfurion’s silence on this situation, or that Tyrande would go to Illidan and say, “The world will perish, Illidan, save us!” If I say… Hey baby hey, if they just pulled this love… piuuuu. By the way, the books are truly legendary; at least read it.

Novel series where FRP game turns into story: Dragonlance Series

Dude, forget all the intrigues you’ve seen so far. Look, this book series breaks the mouth and nose of Game of Thrones. It is not clear who is doing what with whom in the book series. Especially there is a character named Raistlin Majere, dear reader, you wouldn’t believe it. Consider a character who can do anything, including killing his brother, to gain power; As for Littlefinger, Sezercik Lion Piece remains with him.

By the way, there are also books that can contain many spinoffs; such as Huma Epic, Majere Brothers. The series, which contains more than 60 books on average, which you can call seriously super, has the potential to be a really enjoyable series. A Dragon Lance animated movie was made before, just like The Hobbit, but it was not very successful. Maybe if it’s done on a digital platform budget, it can really deliver a neat flow.

Ends black elf controversy: Forgotten Realms Series

Now all the series we’ve written so far, aside from Forgotten Realms. Although the Forgotten Realms contains many different stories, there is one character whose name Drizzt Do’Urden gives you the impression of Jon Snow while reading it. (For those who say, “Oh God, how?”, the answer is below.)

character named Drizzt Do’Urden;

  • He’s ostracized because he’s not like a dark elfer.
  • He uses a double machete.
  • Almost the best fighter in the universe.
  • He flees Menzoberranzan, where there are fights for the throne.
  • He has a panther named Guenhwyvar.

By the way, there is a character named Wulfgar among his very close friends, a believer in the god named Tempus. He is Barbarian. How familiar is the story, right?

Anyway, the Forgotten Realms and Game of Thrones analogy may be right or wrong, but the book series can truly be one of the most enjoyable fantasy stories ever written. In particular, there may be a gigantic series only on Dark Elves.

Especially; In a story series with very legendary characters such as Drizzt, Wulfgar, Artemis Entreri, Jarlaxle, there is a very chaotic universe like House Baenre and Menzoberranzan. If you like the Forgotten Realms series Game of Thrones, it will satisfy you greatly.

Let’s also add that this book series is as extensive as Dragonlance, which many of you are already familiar with from games like Neverwinter.

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