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Blizzard Has Been Cyber ​​Attacked! Unable to Login to Diablo IV, Game of the Year, for Hours

Blizzard suffered a DDoS attack that ruined gamers' Sunday. The attacks, which continued throughout the day, ended at night. Diablo IV and other Blizzard games became unplayable during the attack.
 Blizzard Has Been Cyber ​​Attacked!  Unable to Login to Diablo IV, Game of the Year, for Hours
READING NOW Blizzard Has Been Cyber ​​Attacked! Unable to Login to Diablo IV, Game of the Year, for Hours

Blizzard, the name behind world-famous games such as Diablo and World of Warcraft, went through a troubled process at the end of last week. The DDoS attack on the company’s servers led to players being denied access to games such as Diablo IV and World of Warcraft. DDoS attacks, which continued for hours, seem to have been resolved as of these hours. It is not known who carried out the attacks and for what purpose.

Blizzard made a statement at around 9 am yesterday and admitted that players are having problems logging into the Battle.net client. Mentioning that they are working to solve the problem, the technical team announced that there was a problem with the servers a few hours later. At around 17:30, a new statement was made and it was announced that a DDoS attack was made on Blizzard servers. Players could not access Diablo IV or other games online during this process.

The first attack was repelled, but the attack happened again at night!

Blizzard announced that the DDoS attack was repelled, and players could reconnect to the servers, in a statement at 8 pm. However, this was short lived. Making a statement again around 12 o’clock, the company said that a new DDoS attack was carried out. This attack, which restricted players’ server access for half an hour, was also repelled. In our checks on Downdetector, we see that there is no server problem for now.

Although the attacks were repelled, players were not particularly able to access Diablo IV all day. The fact that the game does not have an offline mode also annoyed the players. In fact, gamers who shared on the subject on social media said that the offline mode is a must for Diablo IV. However, there was no statement from Blizzard on this. It is already a matter of curiosity what action the company will take on what happened.

For detailed information about Diablo IV:

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