BlackBerry Bold 9700 Funny Features

We have examined for you the joking features of the legendary model Blackberry Bol 9700, known as the "mobile computer" of the period with its Trackpad and QWERTY keyboard.
 BlackBerry Bold 9700 Funny Features
READING NOW BlackBerry Bold 9700 Funny Features

When you see the Blackberry title, we are sure that this model came directly to your mind. Yes, our guest today is the BlackBerry Bold 9700, which has a great keyboard layout and a very large keyboard, but has a touchscreen. Blackberry had tremendous popularity 10 years ago. BlackBerry models were liked by the users with the design of the models it produced, the QWERTY keyboard, and the touch screen technology that was just beginning to settle in.

Blackberry models were so popular that today’s popular telecommunication companies were even making raffles of this phone. Because people had a great interest in the phone with such a keyboard. In fact, there was even a keyboard race among users with Blackberry phones at that time. Because we can say that typing fast with this phone was a skill. If you wish, without further ado, let’s examine the jokes of the Blackberry Bold 9700 model together.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 features:

  • 2.4 inch screen
  • 122 grams weight
  • QWERTY keyboard
  • trackpad
  • 3MP camera
  • 256MB of RAM
  • 1500mAh battery

2.4 inch screen

As with every phone model, let’s start again with the display features of the BlackBerry Bold 9700. Our model has a 2.4-inch screen. You can easily manage this screen with touch or trackpad and switch between menus. Although our screen has a TFT structure, it has a 65K color scale. However, this 4:3 screen has a resolution of 460 x 360 pixels. The 9700 model, which has a 28.2% screen-to-body ratio, has a very adequate screen for such a phone.

Assuming that a fact such as a QWERTY keyboard covers most of the front, it has a sufficient screen size in our opinion. It is a great comfort to have both trackpad and touch options to use the screen. In other words, users who cannot use a touch screen will use the trackpad, and users who cannot use a trackpad will use the touch feature.

122 grams weight

Now that we have transferred the screen features, it’s time for the physical features of our 9700 model. Our phone has a weight of 122 grams. According to its very minimalist and stylish design, the phone is 109 millimeters long, 60 millimeters wide and 14 millimeters thick, with a very compatible weight.

If we need to summarize in terms of size, we can say that it has a design that you can easily use with one hand. Of course, if you want to perform better on the keyboard, you have to use the phone with both hands. The phone is perfectly sized. That is, it is neither too big to be used with one hand, nor too small to be used with two hands. In our opinion, we can say that it has perfect dimensions.

QWERTY keyboard

Let’s come to that feature that brings Blackberry models to the fore. Our phone has a keyboard layout that you can use as if you were typing on a computer keyboard. Even if it seems very complicated when you first see it, once you get used to it, you cannot use the old generation keypad phones again. Because using BlackBerry keyboards becomes very convenient and comfortable. Especially if you are a frequent computer user, you could use this keyboard with ease.

We can say that real Blackberry gourmets know the taste of it. Although these keyboards were liked, they were not liked by some users. Because, if you have normal sized hands, it becomes much more difficult to use a phone with a QWERTY keyboard design. You cannot hold the keys, you press one key while pressing the other. As a result, you either have to use the phone with nails or you have to switch to another phone.


When Blackberry models were popular, they were called mobile computers. Because they had a keyboard just like a computer. On top of that, the trackpad feature found on laptops was also available on Blackberry phones. When we combine these two, we can say that it is quite natural for users to liken it to a “mobile computer”.

The trackpad is very easy to use. This feature, which makes it very easy for you to switch between the menus, became great when combined with a touch. As complicated as it sounds, the trackpad made the phone pretty easy to use.

3MP camera

Camera performance is a must for a phone. In fact, when buying phones with today’s technology, we often look at camera performance first. The 9700 model had a camera with a resolution of 3.15 MP. This camera was capable of shooting video, but it also contained an LED flash especially for night shooting. Unfortunately, our phone did not have a front camera.

Of course we would like our phone to have a front camera. While the rear camera takes ideal quality photos, we cannot say that it performs very well on the video side. Blackberry, perhaps, could have had a camera that was improved a level more on the camera side.

256MB of RAM

Another thing that we are always surprised about in old phones and that we always say “how” is the storage and RAM hardware. The BlackBerry Bold 9700 had a RAM memory of 256 MB. Even if it seems small when compared to today, there was a sufficient amount of RAM for the 9700 model. Because at that time, the phone was mostly used for basic purposes such as making calls or sending messages. Sure, there was a browser, but back then, computers were mostly used to search for something on the internet.

1500mAh battery

Let’s come to the battery side. Our phone had a 1500mAh battery. This battery offered the Blackberry Bold 9700 a total of 408 hours of screen time. However, you had the opportunity to talk to the 9700 on the phone for 6 hours without interruption. Although old phones cannot be compared with today’s phones on the feature side, they have always performed much better on the battery side.

We have reviewed the BlackBerry Bold 9700 for you. We are sure that there are users among you who have used this phone at least once. What do you guys think about the BlackBerry Bold 9700? Do not forget to share your experiences with us.


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