Binance Announces Number of Users

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance shared its 2022 annual report. The report also revealed the number of users and daily trading volume of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange. It has also become clear what will be done in 2023.
 Binance Announces Number of Users
READING NOW Binance Announces Number of Users

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, has published an important report for the year 2022. This report reveals what Binance has been doing throughout 2022 and what developments have taken place in the cryptocurrency world. If you have a crypto investment idea for 2023, it may be useful to take a look at this report.

The year 2022 has been quite challenging for the cryptocurrency community. Towards the end of the year, when the TerraUSD and LUNA crisis first experienced, the bankruptcy of FTX, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, caused the markets to be unable to lift their heads. The report prepared by Binance reveals that various efforts will be made to keep these behind in the new year.

The highlights of Binance’s 2022 report were as follows:

  • Daily volume rose to $65 billion.
  • 300 billion spot trades were made.
  • Binance NFT weekly users exceeded 600 thousand.
  • The number of users of the stock market increased to 128 million.
  • “We are focused on restoring trust”
  • “We have obtained the necessary licenses, registrations and approvals in 14 regions”
  • “We increased the value of SAFU to 1 billion dollars again”
  • “2022 was a year of booming web3 events”
  • What will Binance do in 2023?

By the way, if you want to become a member of Binance, you can use this link.

“We are focused on restoring trust”

“2022 has certainly been a tough year for everyone in the blockchain and crypto world, including us. In the face of big headwinds, we are determined to prioritize user experience, products with real-world value, and most importantly, moving forward on a healthy, sustainable path for the entire industry. We stayed.” In the report, which included statements, it was stated that Binance focused on restoring the lost trust in this sector.

“We have obtained the necessary licenses, registrations and approvals in 14 regions”

One of the issues that Binance mentioned was the work done with official institutions. In this context, “We can confidently say that the effort we put in last year has been seen. We have obtained the necessary licenses, registrations and approvals in 14 regions by the end of 2022. Drawing on our experience, we have continued to assist regulators and public authorities in developing practical regulations for digital assets. We have increased the number of employees in our security and compliance team by 500 percent by incorporating talented personnel.” Binance officials stated that they carefully examined more than 47 thousand requests from law enforcement agencies and worked to prevent financial crimes.

“We increased the value of SAFU to 1 billion dollars again”

There is a fund called SAFU that Binance has established to protect its investors. The money held in this fund was increased again in 2022. Touching on this issue, Binance said: We have increased the value of our Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU) to $1 billion again in order to protect our 128 million users in an emergency.

“2022 was a year of booming web3 events”

Mentioning that many web3-focused events were held in 2022, Binance said, “We celebrated our fifth anniversary in Paris with over 3,000 in-person and 1.5 million virtual viewers. We also connected with Binance users through hundreds of online and face-to-face community events. User friendly, We continued to build more tools, products and functions, from a fast and secure crypto exchange to an now expanding Web3 ecosystem.” used the phrases.

What will Binance do in 2023?

Binance’s plans for 2023 were announced with the following words: We stand ready to assist and coordinate efforts in the industry to restore trust and create a secure foundation to welcome another billion crypto users. Although we have grown at an astonishing rate, we have never forgotten where we started to provide a secure, user-friendly digital asset experience. While we still have a lot of work to do, we believe 2023 will be a great year of greater growth, adoption and innovation as long as we do the right thing for our users. Our basic approach will remain the same: to give priority to users, to produce and to lead the industry by setting an example, not by rhetoric.

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