Bill Gates Shared His 5 Favorite Books

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, a billionaire and a devoted book reader, shared his 5 favorite books among all the books he has read so far with his followers.
 Bill Gates Shared His 5 Favorite Books
READING NOW Bill Gates Shared His 5 Favorite Books

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, billionaire genius, is known as an angel-faced devil often associated with conspiracy theories, but he also helps millions of people with the Gates Foundation. An avid reader of books, Gates also regularly posts book recommendations on his website GatesNotes and on his YouTube channel.

Suggesting a different style of book this time with the video he published the other day, Gates shared his favorite 5 of all the books he has read so far with his audience. He had previously shared his book recommendations on the Covid-19 outbreak and the summer season. Let’s take a look at the books recommended by the famous billionaire.

Bill Gates’ 5 favorite books

Stranger in a Strange Land- Robert A. Heinlein

American writer Robert A. Heinlein’s 1961 science fiction novel tells the story of Valentine Michael Smith, a human born on Mars and raised by Martians, who came to Earth in early adulthood and interacted with world culture.

Surrender: 40 Songs One Story- Bills

Written by the world-famous singer-songwriter and U2 frontman Bono, this book is a memoir in which he describes his extraordinary life, the difficulties he faced, the friends and family who shaped and sustained him, and how these events are reflected in his songs.

Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln- Doris Kearns Goodwin

Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln is a political book about the unexpected presidency of Abraham Lincoln, one of the most famous presidents of the United States, and his subsequent battle for justice against his former enemies, his cabinet.

The Inner Game of Tennis- Timothy Gallwey

This book, which is among the favorite books of Bill Gates, who is a big tennis fan, contains tips on maximizing your performance in many areas of life apart from tennis.

Mendeleev’s Dream: The Quest for the Elements- Paul Strathern

The book, which is about Dmitri Mendeleev, who found the Periodic Table, one of the greatest discoveries in the field of chemistry, dreamed of this table idea, touches on many subjects from ancient philosophies to medieval alchemy and is supported by historical facts.

Bill Gates also states that the books tell great stories and add something to him every time he reads them, regardless of the stories. These books, he said, played a big role in establishing his personality.

Video shared by Bill Gates for his favorite books

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