Beta update for Android 16 made users crazy!

Beta update for Android 16 made users crazy!

Google continues its work for Android 16 unabated. In this context, we see that beta versions are available at regular intervals. In this way, the company testing new features and detecting errors and spending overtime to produce a stable version without any problems. However, the latest developments reveal that the last update of the brand causes a serious problem.

Android 16 beta 2.1 update consumes excessive battery

On February 27, Google released Android 16 Beta 2.1. When we look at the patch notes, we see that this update does not have a huge beta update that brings huge features, and mostly offers error fixes. According to the feedback of the users who install the update, Beta 2.1 leads to serious battery problems.

In this context, a large number of Android 16 beta test users have installed the version of battery problems, he said. Some users have to charge their smartphones two or more times a day because of this problem, which affects all compatible Pixel devices.

End to gray images! Colors will be HDR with Android 16

With Android 16, the real HDR screenshot support comes to the devices. Colors will be much closer to the truth.

A user who experiences the new version used the following statement about the problem he has experienced;

“I really want to emphasize this. Today, I had a total of 1 hour 32 minutes. I took it out of the charging at 9 o’clock and now my battery is 63 percent. I hope they will correct it soon. It’s too bad to use my phone for a long time “

Beta updates are used to test new functions before the stable version and to detect errors. However, the main critical detail here is the fact that the excessive battery consumption problem actually starts with Beta 2.0 and Beta 2.1 is available to solve this problem. The last beta update that Google has released to solve the problem seems to have worse the error.

So, what do you think you think about this? You can share your thoughts with us with your comments.